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Selected Verse: Job 38:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 38:4 Strong Concordance Where [0375] wast thou when I laid the foundations [03245] of the earth [0776]? declare [05046], if thou hast [03045] understanding [0998].
  King James Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
To understand the cause of things, man should have been present at their origin. The finite creature cannot fathom the infinite wisdom of the Creator (Job 28:12; Job 15:7-8).


understanding-- (Pro 4:1).
1 Hear [08085], ye children [01121], the instruction [04148] of a father [01], and attend [07181] to know [03045] understanding [0998].
7 Art thou the first [07223] [07223] man [0120] that was born [03205]? or wast thou made [02342] before [06440] the hills [01389]?
8 Hast thou heard [08085] the secret [05475] of God [0433]? and dost thou restrain [01639] wisdom [02451] to thyself?
12 But where [0370] shall wisdom [02451] be found [04672]? and where is the place [04725] of understanding [0998]?
1 In the beginning [07225] God [0430] created [01254] [0853] the heaven [08064] and [0853] the earth [0776].
7 When the morning [01242] stars [03556] sang [07442] together [03162], and all the sons [01121] of God [0430] shouted [07321] for joy?
7 When the morning [01242] stars [03556] sang [07442] together [03162], and all the sons [01121] of God [0430] shouted [07321] for joy?
10 For the stars [03556] of heaven [08064] and the constellations [03685] thereof shall not give [01984] their light [0216]: the sun [08121] shall be darkened [02821] in his going forth [03318], and the moon [03394] shall not cause her light [0216] to shine [05050].
12 How art thou fallen [05307] from heaven [08064], O Lucifer [01966], son [01121] of the morning [07837] [03213] ! how art thou cut down [01438] to the ground [0776], which didst weaken [02522] the nations [01471]!
7 Who art thou, O great [01419] mountain [02022]? before [06440] Zerubbabel [02216] thou shalt become a plain [04334]: and he shall bring forth [03318] the headstone [068] [07222] thereof with shoutings [08663], crying, Grace [02580], grace [02580] unto it.
10 And when the builders [01129] laid the foundation [03245] of the temple [01964] of the LORD [03068], they set [05975] the priests [03548] in their apparel [03847] with trumpets [02689], and the Levites [03881] the sons [01121] of Asaph [0623] with cymbals [04700], to praise [01984] the LORD [03068], after the ordinance [03027] of David [01732] king [04428] of Israel [03478].
7 He stretcheth out [05186] the north [06828] over the empty place [08414], and hangeth [08518] the earth [0776] upon nothing [01099].
4 Who hath ascended up [05927] into heaven [08064], or descended [03381]? who hath gathered [0622] the wind [07307] in his fists [02651]? who hath bound [06887] the waters [04325] in a garment [08071]?who hath established [06965] all the ends [0657] of the earth [0776]? what is his name [08034], and what is his son's [01121] name [08034], if thou canst tell [03045]?
18 Hast thou perceived [0995] the breadth [07338] of the earth [0776]? declare [05046] if thou knowest [03045] it all.
5 Who hath laid [07760] the measures [04461] thereof, if thou knowest [03045]? or who hath stretched [05186] the line [06957] upon it?
24 They also that erred [08582] in spirit [07307] shall come [03045] to understanding [0998], and they that murmured [07279] shall learn [03925] doctrine [03948].
1 Hear [08085], ye children [01121], the instruction [04148] of a father [01], and attend [07181] to know [03045] understanding [0998].
12 Huram [02361] said [0559] moreover, Blessed [01288] be the LORD [03068] God [0430] of Israel [03478], that made [06213] heaven [08064] and earth [0776], who hath given [05414] to David [01732] the king [04428] a wise [02450] son [01121], endued [03045] with prudence [07922] and understanding [0998], that might build [01129] an house [01004] for the LORD [03068], and an house [01004] for his kingdom [04438].
32 And of the children [01121] of Issachar [03485], which were men that had understanding [0998] [03045] of the times [06256], to know [03045] what Israel [03478] ought to do [06213]; the heads [07218] of them were two hundred [03967]; and all their brethren [0251] were at their commandment [06310].
7 Art thou the first [07223] [07223] man [0120] that was born [03205]? or wast thou made [02342] before [06440] the hills [01389]?