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Selected Verse: Job 36:27 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 36:27 Strong Concordance For he maketh small [01639] the drops [05198] of water [04325]: they pour down [02212] rain [04306] according to the vapour [0108] thereof:
  King James For he maketh small the drops of water: they pour down rain according to the vapour thereof:

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
The marvellous formation of rain (so Job 5:9-10).

maketh small--Rather, "He draweth (up) to Him, He attracts (from the earth below) the drops of water; they (the drops of water) pour down rain, (which is) His vapor." "Vapor" is in apposition with "rain," marking the way in which rain is formed; namely, from the vapor drawn up by God into the air and then condensed into drops, which fall (Psa 147:8). The suspension of such a mass of water, and its descent not in a deluge, but in drops of vapory rain, are the marvel. The selection of this particular illustration of God's greatness forms a fit prelude to the storm in which God appears (Job 40:1).
1 Moreover the LORD [03068] answered [06030] Job [0347], and said [0559],
8 Who covereth [03680] the heaven [08064] with clouds [05645], who prepareth [03559] rain [04306] for the earth [0776], who maketh grass [02682] to grow [06779] upon the mountains [02022].
9 Which doeth [06213] great things [01419] and unsearchable [0369] [02714]; marvellous things [06381] without number [04557]:
10 Who giveth [05414] rain [04306] upon [06440] the earth [0776], and sendeth [07971] waters [04325] upon [06440] the fields [02351]:
8 He bindeth up [06887] the waters [04325] in his thick clouds [05645]; and the cloud [06051] is not rent [01234] under them.
9 Which doeth [06213] great things [01419] and unsearchable [0369] [02714]; marvellous things [06381] without number [04557]:
10 Who giveth [05414] rain [04306] upon [06440] the earth [0776], and sendeth [07971] waters [04325] upon [06440] the fields [02351]: