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Selected Verse: Job 30:8 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 30:8 Strong Concordance They were children [01121] of fools [05036], yea, children [01121] of base men [08034]: they were viler [05217] than the earth [0776].
  King James They were children of fools, yea, children of base men: they were viler than the earth.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
fools--that is, the impious and abandoned (Sa1 25:25).

base--nameless, low-born rabble.

viler than, &c.--rather, they were driven or beaten out of the land. The Horites in Mount Seir (Gen 14:6 with which compare Gen 36:20-21; Deu 2:12, Deu 2:22) were probably the aborigines, driven out by the tribe to which Job's ancestors belonged; their name means troglodytÃ&brvbr;, or "dwellers in caves." To these Job alludes here (Job 30:1-8, and Gen 24:4-8, which compare together).
4 But thou shalt go [03212] unto my country [0776], and to my kindred [04138], and take [03947] a wife [0802] unto my son [01121] Isaac [03327].
5 And the servant [05650] said [0559] unto him, Peradventure the woman [0802] will not be willing [014] to follow [03212] me [0310] unto this land [0776]: must I needs bring [07725] thy son [01121] again [07725] unto the land [0776] from whence thou camest [03318]?
6 And Abraham [085] said [0559] unto him, Beware [08104] thou that thou bring [07725] not [06435] my son [01121] thither again [07725].
7 The LORD [03068] God [0430] of heaven [08064], which took me [03947] from my father's [01] house [01004], and from the land [0776] of my kindred [04138], and which spake [01696] unto me, and that sware [07650] unto me, saying [0559], Unto thy seed [02233] will I give [05414] this land [0776]; he shall send [07971] his angel [04397] before thee [06440], and thou shalt take [03947] a wife [0802] unto my son [01121] from thence.
8 And if the woman [0802] will not be willing [014] to follow [03212] thee [0310], then thou shalt be clear [05352] from this my oath [07621]: only bring [07725] not my son [01121] thither again [07725].
1 But now they that are younger [06810] [03117] than I have me in derision [07832], whose fathers [01] I would have disdained [03988] to have set [07896] with the dogs [03611] of my flock [06629].
2 Yea, whereto [04100] might the strength [03581] of their hands [03027] profit me, in whom old age [03624] was perished [06]?
3 For want [02639] and famine [03720] they were solitary [01565]; fleeing [06207] into the wilderness [06723] in former time [0570] desolate [07722] and waste [04875].
4 Who cut up [06998] mallows [04408] by the bushes [07880], and juniper [07574] roots [08328] for their meat [03899].
5 They were driven forth [01644] from among [01460] men, (they cried [07321] after them as after a thief [01590];)
6 To dwell [07931] in the clifts [06178] of the valleys [05158], in caves [02356] of the earth [06083], and in the rocks [03710].
7 Among the bushes [07880] they brayed [05101]; under the nettles [02738] they were gathered together [05596].
8 They were children [01121] of fools [05036], yea, children [01121] of base men [08034]: they were viler [05217] than the earth [0776].
22 As he did [06213] to the children [01121] of Esau [06215], which dwelt [03427] in Seir [08165], when he destroyed [08045] the Horims [02752] from before [06440] them; and they succeeded [03423] them, and dwelt [03427] in their stead even unto this day [03117]:
12 The Horims [02752] also dwelt [03427] in Seir [08165] beforetime [06440]; but the children [01121] of Esau [06215] succeeded [03423] them, when they had destroyed [08045] them from before [06440] them, and dwelt [03427] in their stead; as Israel [03478] did [06213] unto the land [0776] of his possession [03425], which the LORD [03068] gave [05414] unto them.
20 These are the sons [01121] of Seir [08165] the Horite [02752], who inhabited [03427] the land [0776]; Lotan [03877], and Shobal [07732], and Zibeon [06649], and Anah [06034],
21 And Dishon [01787], and Ezer [0687], and Dishan [01789]: these are the dukes [0441] of the Horites [02752], the children [01121] of Seir [08165] in the land [0776] of Edom [0123].
6 And the Horites [02752] in their mount [02042] Seir [08165], unto Elparan [0364], which is by [05921] the wilderness [04057].
25 Let [07760] not my lord [0113], I pray thee, regard [03820] this man [0376] of Belial [01100], even Nabal [05037]: for as his name [08034] is, so is he; Nabal [05037] is his name [08034], and folly [05039] is with him: but I thine handmaid [0519] saw [07200] not the young men [05288] of my lord [0113], whom thou didst send [07971].
25 Let [07760] not my lord [0113], I pray thee, regard [03820] this man [0376] of Belial [01100], even Nabal [05037]: for as his name [08034] is, so is he; Nabal [05037] is his name [08034], and folly [05039] is with him: but I thine handmaid [0519] saw [07200] not the young men [05288] of my lord [0113], whom thou didst send [07971].
3 Now the name [08034] of the man [0376] was Nabal [05037]; and the name [08034] of his wife [0802] Abigail [026]: and she was a woman [0802] of good [02896] understanding [07922], and of a beautiful [03303] countenance [08389]: but the man [0376] was churlish [07186] and evil [07451] in his doings [04611]; and he was of the house of Caleb [03614].