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Selected Verse: Job 29:15 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 29:15 Strong Concordance I was eyes [05869] to the blind [05787], and feet [07272] was I to the lame [06455].
  King James I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Literally, "the blind" (Deu 27:18); "lame" (Sa2 9:13); figuratively, also the spiritual support which the more enlightened gives to those less so (Job 4:3; Heb 12:13; Num 10:31).
31 And he said [0559], Leave [05800] us not, I pray thee; forasmuch as thou knowest [03651] [03045] how we are to encamp [02583] in the wilderness [04057], and thou mayest be to us instead of eyes [05869].
13 And [2532] make [4160] straight [3717] paths [5163] for your [5216] feet [4228], lest that [3363] which is lame [5560] be turned out of the way [1624]; but [1161] let it [2390] rather [3123] be healed [2390].
3 Behold, thou hast instructed [03256] many [07227], and thou hast strengthened [02388] the weak [07504] hands [03027].
13 So Mephibosheth [04648] dwelt [03427] in Jerusalem [03389]: for he did eat [0398] continually [08548] at the king's [04428] table [07979]; and was lame [06455] on both [08147] his feet [07272].
18 Cursed [0779] be he that maketh the blind [05787] to wander [07686] out of the way [01870]. And all the people [05971] shall say [0559], Amen [0543].
20 My bone [06106] cleaveth [01692] to my skin [05785] and to my flesh [01320], and I am escaped [04422] with the skin [05785] of my teeth [08127].
15 And the Sabeans [07614] fell [05307] upon them, and took them away [03947]; yea, they have slain [05221] the servants [05288] with the edge [06310] of the sword [02719]; and I only am escaped [04422] alone to tell [05046] thee.
11 Cast abroad [06327] the rage [05678] of thy wrath [0639]: and behold [07200] every one that is proud [01343], and abase [08213] him.
4 I am as one mocked [07814] of his neighbour [07453], who calleth [07121] upon God [0433], and he answereth [06030] him: the just [06662] upright [08549] man is laughed to scorn [07814].
3 He pursued [07291] them, and passed [05674] safely [07965]; even by the way [0734] that he had not gone [0935] with his feet [07272].
5 Behold, thou shalt call [07121] a nation [01471] that thou knowest [03045] not, and nations [01471] that knew [03045] not thee shall run [07323] unto thee because of the LORD [03068] thy God [0430], and for the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478]; for he hath glorified [06286] thee.
21 Surely such are the dwellings [04908] of the wicked [05767], and this is the place [04725] of him that knoweth [03045] not God [0410].
36 My desire [015] [01] is that Job [0347] may be tried [0974] unto the end [05331] because of his answers [08666] for wicked [0205] men [0582].
26 They are passed away [02498] as [05973] the swift [016] ships [0591]: as the eagle [05404] that hasteth [02907] to the prey [0400].
8 And all the elders [02205] and all the people [05971] said [0559] unto him, Hearken [08085] not unto him, nor consent [014].