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Selected Verse: Job 29:11 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 29:11 Strong Concordance When the ear [0241] heard [08085] me, then it blessed [0833] me; and when the eye [05869] saw [07200] me, it gave witness [05749] to me:
  King James When the ear heard me, then it blessed me; and when the eye saw me, it gave witness to me:

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
blessed--extolled my virtues (Pro 31:28). Omit "me" after "heard"; whoever heard of me (in general, not in the market place, Job 29:7-10) praised me.

gave witness--to my honorable character. Image from a court of justice (Luk 4:22).

the eye--that is, "face to face"; antithesis to

ear--that is, report of me.
22 And [2532] all [3956] bare [3140] him [846] witness [3140], and [2532] wondered [2296] at [1909] the gracious [5485] words [3056] which [3588] proceeded [1607] out of [1537] his [846] mouth [4750]. And [2532] they said [3004], Is [2076] not [3756] this [3778] Joseph's [2501] son [5207]?
7 When I went out [03318] to the gate [08179] through the city [07176], when I prepared [03559] my seat [04186] in the street [07339]!
8 The young men [05288] saw [07200] me, and hid [02244] themselves: and the aged [03453] arose [06965], and stood up [05975].
9 The princes [08269] refrained [06113] talking [04405], and laid [07760] their hand [03709] on their mouth [06310].
10 The nobles [05057] held [02244] their peace [06963], and their tongue [03956] cleaved [01692] to the roof of their mouth [02441].
28 Her children [01121] arise up [06965], and call her blessed [0833]; her husband [01167] also, and he praiseth [01984] her.
34 But the Spirit [07307] of the LORD [03068] came [03847] upon Gideon [01439], and he blew [08628] a trumpet [07782]; and Abiezer [044] was gathered [02199] after [0310] him.
10 I will greatly [07797] rejoice [07797] in the LORD [03068], my soul [05315] shall be joyful [01523] in my God [0430]; for he hath clothed [03847] me with the garments [0899] of salvation [03468], he hath covered [03271] me with the robe [04598] of righteousness [06666], as a bridegroom [02860] decketh [03547] himself with ornaments [06287], and as a bride [03618] adorneth [05710] herself with her jewels [03627].
17 For he put on [03847] righteousness [06666] as a breastplate [08302], and an helmet [03553] of salvation [03444] upon his head [07218]; and he put on [03847] the garments [0899] of vengeance [05359] for clothing [08516], and was clad [05844] with zeal [07068] as a cloke [04598].
5 And righteousness [06664] shall be the girdle [0232] of his loins [04975], and faithfulness [0530] the girdle [0232] of his reins [02504].
9 Let thy priests [03548] be clothed [03847] with righteousness [06664]; and let thy saints [02623] shout for joy [07442].
9 Thou visitest [06485] the earth [0776], and waterest [07783] it: thou greatly [07227] enrichest [06238] it with the river [06388] of God [0430], which is full [04390] of water [04325]: thou preparest [03559] them corn [01715], when thou hast so provided [03559] for it.
6 Give [05414] strong drink [07941] unto him that is ready to perish [06], and wine [03196] unto those that be of heavy [04751] hearts [05315].
19 If I have seen [07200] any perish [06] for want of clothing [03830], or any poor [034] without covering [03682];
13 The blessing [01293] of him that was ready to perish [06] came [0935] upon me: and I caused the widow's [0490] heart [03820] to sing for joy [07442].
12 For he shall deliver [05337] the needy [034] when he crieth [07768]; the poor [06041] also, and him that hath no helper [05826].
13 And there came [0935] in two [08147] men [0582], children [01121] of Belial [01100], and sat [03427] before him: and the men [0582] of Belial [01100] witnessed [05749] against him, even against Naboth [05022], in the presence of the people [05971], saying [0559], Naboth [05022] did blaspheme [01288] God [0430] and the king [04428]. Then they carried him forth [03318] out [02351] of the city [05892], and stoned [05619] him with stones [068], that he died [04191].
10 And set [03427] two [08147] men [0582], sons [01121] of Belial [01100], before him, to bear witness [05749] against him, saying [0559], Thou didst blaspheme [01288] God [0430] and the king [04428]. And then carry him out [03318], and stone [05619] him, that he may die [04191].
18 (For from my youth [05271] he was brought up [01431] with me, as with a father [01], and I have guided [05148] her from my mother's [0517] womb [0990];)