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Selected Verse: Job 21:20 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 21:20 Strong Concordance His eyes [05869] shall see [07200] his destruction [03589], and he shall drink [08354] of the wrath [02534] of the Almighty [07706].
  King James His eyes shall see his destruction, and he shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Another questionable assertion of the friends, that the sinner sees his own and his children's destruction in his lifetime.

drink-- (Psa 11:6; Isa 51:17; Lam 4:21).
21 Rejoice [07797] and be glad [08055], O daughter [01323] of Edom [0123], that dwellest [03427] in the land [0776] of Uz [05780]; the cup [03563] also shall pass [05674] through unto thee: thou shalt be drunken [07937], and shalt make thyself naked [06168].
17 Awake [05782], awake [05782], stand up [06965], O Jerusalem [03389], which hast drunk [08354] at the hand [03027] of the LORD [03068] the cup [03563] of his fury [02534]; thou hast drunken [08354] the dregs [06907] of the cup [03563] of trembling [08653], and wrung them out [04680].
6 Upon the wicked [07563] he shall rain [04305] snares [06341], fire [0784] and brimstone [01614], and an horrible [02152] tempest [07307]: this shall be the portion [04521] of their cup [03563].
17 Awake [05782], awake [05782], stand up [06965], O Jerusalem [03389], which hast drunk [08354] at the hand [03027] of the LORD [03068] the cup [03563] of his fury [02534]; thou hast drunken [08354] the dregs [06907] of the cup [03563] of trembling [08653], and wrung them out [04680].
8 And [2532] there followed [190] another [243] angel [32], saying [3004], Babylon [897] is fallen [4098], is fallen [4098], that great [3173] city [4172], because [3754] she made [4222] all [3956] nations [1484] drink [4222] of [1537] the wine [3631] of the wrath [2372] of her [846] fornication [4202].
15 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] God [0430] of Israel [03478] unto me; Take [03947] the wine [03196] cup [03563] of this fury [02534] at my hand [03027], and cause all the nations [01471], to whom I send [07971] thee, to drink [08248] it.
17 Awake [05782], awake [05782], stand up [06965], O Jerusalem [03389], which hast drunk [08354] at the hand [03027] of the LORD [03068] the cup [03563] of his fury [02534]; thou hast drunken [08354] the dregs [06907] of the cup [03563] of trembling [08653], and wrung them out [04680].
18 There is none to guide [05095] her among all the sons [01121] whom she hath brought forth [03205]; neither is there any that taketh [02388] her by the hand [03027] of all the sons [01121] that she hath brought up [01431].
19 These two [08147] things are come [07122] unto thee; who shall be sorry [05110] for thee? desolation [07701], and destruction [07667], and the famine [07458], and the sword [02719]: by whom shall I comfort [05162] thee?
20 Thy sons [01121] have fainted [05968], they lie [07901] at the head [07218] of all the streets [02351], as a wild bull [08377] in a net [04364]: they are full [04392] of the fury [02534] of the LORD [03068], the rebuke [01606] of thy God [0430].
21 Therefore hear [08085] now this, thou afflicted [06041], and drunken [07937], but not with wine [03196]:
22 Thus saith [0559] thy Lord [0113] the LORD [03068], and thy God [0430] that pleadeth [07378] the cause of his people [05971], Behold, I have taken out [03947] of thine hand [03027] the cup [03563] of trembling [08653], even the dregs [06907] of the cup [03563] of my fury [02534]; thou shalt no more [03254] drink it again [08354]:
33 Their wine [03196] is the poison [02534] of dragons [08577], and the cruel [0393] venom [07219] of asps [06620].