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Selected Verse: Job 20:17 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 20:17 Strong Concordance He shall not see [07200] the rivers [06390], the floods [05104], the brooks [05158] of honey [01706] and butter [02529].
  King James He shall not see the rivers, the floods, the brooks of honey and butter.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
floods--literally, "stream of floods," plentiful streams flowing with milk, &c. (Job 29:6; Exo 3:17). Honey and butter are more fluid in the East than with us and are poured out from jars. These "rivers" or water brooks are in the sultry East emblems of prosperity.
17 And I have said [0559], I will bring [05927] you up out of the affliction [06040] of Egypt [04714] unto the land [0776] of the Canaanites [03669], and the Hittites [02850], and the Amorites [0567], and the Perizzites [06522], and the Hivites [02340], and the Jebusites [02983], unto a land [0776] flowing [02100] with milk [02461] and honey [01706].
6 When I washed [07364] my steps [01978] with butter [02529], and the rock [06697] poured me out [06694] rivers [06388] of oil [08081];
8 And I am come down [03381] to deliver [05337] them out of the hand [03027] of the Egyptians [04714], and to bring [05927] them up out of that land [0776] unto a good [02896] land [0776] and a large [07342], unto a land [0776] flowing [02100] with milk [02461] and honey [01706]; unto the place [04725] of the Canaanites [03669], and the Hittites [02850], and the Amorites [0567], and the Perizzites [06522], and the Hivites [02340], and the Jebusites [02983].
18 And it shall come to pass in that day [03117], that the mountains [02022] shall drop down [05197] new wine [06071], and the hills [01389] shall flow [03212] with milk [02461], and all the rivers [0650] of Judah [03063] shall flow [03212] with waters [04325], and a fountain [04599] shall come forth [03318] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and shall water [08248] the valley [05158] of Shittim [07851].
22 And it shall come to pass, for the abundance [07230] of milk [02461] that they shall give [06213] he shall eat [0398] butter [02529]: for butter [02529] and honey [01706] shall every one eat [0398] that is left [03498] in [07130] the land [0776].
15 Butter [02529] and honey [01706] shall he eat [0398], that he may know [03045] to refuse [03988] the evil [07451], and choose [0977] the good [02896].
6 When I washed [07364] my steps [01978] with butter [02529], and the rock [06697] poured me out [06694] rivers [06388] of oil [08081];
17 And I have said [0559], I will bring [05927] you up out of the affliction [06040] of Egypt [04714] unto the land [0776] of the Canaanites [03669], and the Hittites [02850], and the Amorites [0567], and the Perizzites [06522], and the Hivites [02340], and the Jebusites [02983], unto a land [0776] flowing [02100] with milk [02461] and honey [01706].
20 Surely he shall not feel [03045] quietness [07961] in his belly [0990], he shall not save [04422] of that which he desired [02530].
9 They that make [03335] a graven image [06459] are all of them vanity [08414]; and their delectable things [02530] shall not profit [03276]; and they are their own witnesses [05707]; they see [07200] not, nor know [03045]; that they may be ashamed [0954].
12 Hear [08085] my prayer [08605], O LORD [03068], and give ear [0238] unto my cry [07775]; hold not thy peace [02790] at my tears [01832]: for I am a stranger [01616] with thee, and a sojourner [08453], as all my fathers [01] were.
12 For it is a fire [0784] that consumeth [0398] to destruction [011], and would root out [08327] all mine increase [08393].
10 They have gaped [06473] upon me with their mouth [06310]; they have smitten [05221] me upon the cheek [03895] reproachfully [02781]; they have gathered [04390] themselves together [03162] against me.
4 I also could speak [01696] as ye do: if [03863] your soul [05315] were [03426] in my soul's [05315] stead, I could heap up [02266] words [04405] against you, and shake [05128] mine head [07218] at [01119] you.
20 My bone [06106] cleaveth [01692] to my skin [05785] and to my flesh [01320], and I am escaped [04422] with the skin [05785] of my teeth [08127].
15 Neither shall he stand [05975] that handleth [08610] the bow [07198]; and he that is swift [07031] of foot [07272] shall not deliver [04422] himself: neither shall he that rideth [07392] the horse [05483] deliver [04422] himself [05315].
7 There the righteous [03477] might dispute [03198] with him; so should I be delivered [06403] for ever [05331] from my judge [08199].
8 The way [01870] of peace [07965] they know [03045] not; and there is no judgment [04941] in their goings [04570]: they have made them crooked [06140] paths [05410]: whosoever goeth [01869] therein shall not know [03045] peace [07965].
1 Better [02896] is a dry [02720] morsel [06595], and quietness [07962] therewith, than an house [01004] full [04392] of sacrifices [02077] with strife [07379].
20 Surely he shall not feel [03045] quietness [07961] in his belly [0990], he shall not save [04422] of that which he desired [02530].
5 And the heavens [08064] shall praise [03034] thy wonders [06382], O LORD [03068]: thy faithfulness [0530] also in the congregation [06951] of the saints [06918].
3 I have made [03772] a covenant [01285] with my chosen [0972], I have sworn [07650] unto David [01732] my servant [05650],
5 And Rehoboam [07346] dwelt [03427] in Jerusalem [03389], and built [01129] cities [05892] for defence [04692] in Judah [03063].
6 He built [01129] even Bethlehem [01035], and Etam [05862], and Tekoa [08620],
21 And why dost thou not pardon [05375] my transgression [06588], and take away [05674] mine iniquity [05771]? for now shall I sleep [07901] in the dust [06083]; and thou shalt seek me in the morning [07836], but I shall not be.
19 Because he hath oppressed [07533] and hath forsaken [05800] the poor [01800]; because he hath violently taken away [01497] an house [01004] which he builded [01129] not;
2 Yet they seek [01875] me daily [03117] [03117], and delight [02654] to know [01847] my ways [01870], as a nation [01471] that did [06213] righteousness [06666], and forsook [05800] not the ordinance [04941] of their God [0430]: they ask [07592] of me the ordinances [04941] of justice [06664]; they take delight [02654] in approaching [07132] to God [0430].
19 Because he hath oppressed [07533] and hath forsaken [05800] the poor [01800]; because he hath violently taken away [01497] an house [01004] which he builded [01129] not;
19 Because he hath oppressed [07533] and hath forsaken [05800] the poor [01800]; because he hath violently taken away [01497] an house [01004] which he builded [01129] not;
17 The gold [02091] and the crystal [02137] cannot equal [06186] it: and the exchange [08545] of it shall not be for jewels [03627] of fine gold [06337].
31 Let not him that is deceived [08582] trust [0539] in vanity [07723]: for vanity [07723] shall be his recompence [08545].
13 And also Maachah [04601] his mother [0517], even her he removed [05493] from being queen [01377], because she had made [06213] an idol [04656] in a grove [0842]; and Asa [0609] destroyed [03772] her idol [04656], and burnt [08313] it by the brook [05158] Kidron [06939].
19 Hear [08085], O earth [0776]: behold, I will bring [0935] evil [07451] upon this people [05971], even the fruit [06529] of their thoughts [04284], because they have not hearkened [07181] unto my words [01697], nor to my law [08451], but rejected [03988] it.
18 That which he laboured [03022] for shall he restore [07725], and shall not swallow it down [01104]: according to his substance [02428] shall the restitution [08545] be, and he shall not rejoice [05965] therein.
18 That which he laboured [03022] for shall he restore [07725], and shall not swallow it down [01104]: according to his substance [02428] shall the restitution [08545] be, and he shall not rejoice [05965] therein.
3 Is it good [02895] unto thee that thou shouldest oppress [06231], that thou shouldest despise [03988] the work [03018] of thine hands [03709], and shine [03313] upon the counsel [06098] of the wicked [07563]?
18 That which he laboured [03022] for shall he restore [07725], and shall not swallow it down [01104]: according to his substance [02428] shall the restitution [08545] be, and he shall not rejoice [05965] therein.
18 That which he laboured [03022] for shall he restore [07725], and shall not swallow it down [01104]: according to his substance [02428] shall the restitution [08545] be, and he shall not rejoice [05965] therein.
25 Be not afraid [03372] of sudden [06597] fear [06343], neither of the desolation [07722] of the wicked [07563], when it cometh [0935].
3 Let not mercy [02617] and truth [0571] forsake [05800] thee: bind [07194] them about thy neck [01621]; write [03789] them upon the table [03871] of thine heart [03820]:
3 The LORD [03068] will strengthen [05582] him upon the bed [06210] of languishing [01741]: thou wilt make [02015] all his bed [04904] in his sickness [02483].
22 At destruction [07701] and famine [03720] thou shalt laugh [07832]: neither shalt thou be afraid [03372] of the beasts [02416] of the earth [0776].
6 When I washed [07364] my steps [01978] with butter [02529], and the rock [06697] poured me out [06694] rivers [06388] of oil [08081];
9 The children [01121] of Ephraim [0669], being armed [05401], and carrying [07411] bows [07198], turned back [02015] in the day [03117] of battle [07128].
15 And the princes [08269] of Issachar [03485] were with Deborah [01683]; even Issachar [03485], and also Barak [01301]: he was sent [07971] on foot [07272] into the valley [06010]. For the divisions [06390] of Reuben [07205] there were great [01419] thoughts [02711] of heart [03820].
1 Hearken [08085] to me, ye that follow after [07291] righteousness [06664], ye that seek [01245] the LORD [03068]: look [05027] unto the rock [06697] whence ye are hewn [02672], and to the hole [04718] of the pit [0953] whence ye are digged [05365].
18 And it shall come to pass in that day [03117], that the mountains [02022] shall drop down [05197] new wine [06071], and the hills [01389] shall flow [03212] with milk [02461], and all the rivers [0650] of Judah [03063] shall flow [03212] with waters [04325], and a fountain [04599] shall come forth [03318] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and shall water [08248] the valley [05158] of Shittim [07851].
22 And it shall come to pass, for the abundance [07230] of milk [02461] that they shall give [06213] he shall eat [0398] butter [02529]: for butter [02529] and honey [01706] shall every one eat [0398] that is left [03498] in [07130] the land [0776].
6 When I washed [07364] my steps [01978] with butter [02529], and the rock [06697] poured me out [06694] rivers [06388] of oil [08081];
20 For when I shall have brought [0935] them into the land [0127] which I sware [07650] unto their fathers [01], that floweth [02100] with milk [02461] and honey [01706]; and they shall have eaten [0398] and filled [07646] themselves, and waxen fat [01878]; then will they turn [06437] unto other [0312] gods [0430], and serve [05647] them, and provoke [05006] me, and break [06565] my covenant [01285].
32 Until I come [0935] and take you away [03947] to a land [0776] like your own land [0776], a land [0776] of corn [01715] and wine [08492], a land [0776] of bread [03899] and vineyards [03754], a land [0776] of oil [03323] olive [02132] and of honey [01706], that ye may live [02421], and not die [04191]: and hearken [08085] not unto Hezekiah [02396], when he persuadeth [05496] you, saying [0559], The LORD [03068] will deliver [05337] us.
3 Unto a land [0776] flowing [02100] with milk [02461] and honey [01706]: for I will not go up [05927] in the midst [07130] of thee; for thou art a stiffnecked [07186] [06203] people [05971]: lest I consume [03615] thee in the way [01870].
5 And it shall be when the LORD [03068] shall bring [0935] thee into the land [0776] of the Canaanites [03669], and the Hittites [02850], and the Amorites [0567], and the Hivites [02340], and the Jebusites [02983], which he sware [07650] unto thy fathers [01] to give [05414] thee, a land [0776] flowing [02100] with milk [02461] and honey [01706], that thou shalt keep [05647] this service [05656] in this month [02320].
8 And I am come down [03381] to deliver [05337] them out of the hand [03027] of the Egyptians [04714], and to bring [05927] them up out of that land [0776] unto a good [02896] land [0776] and a large [07342], unto a land [0776] flowing [02100] with milk [02461] and honey [01706]; unto the place [04725] of the Canaanites [03669], and the Hittites [02850], and the Amorites [0567], and the Perizzites [06522], and the Hivites [02340], and the Jebusites [02983].
6 When I washed [07364] my steps [01978] with butter [02529], and the rock [06697] poured me out [06694] rivers [06388] of oil [08081];