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Selected Verse: Job 18:13 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 18:13 Strong Concordance It shall devour [0398] the strength [0905] of his skin [05785]: even the firstborn [01060] of death [04194] shall devour [0398] his strength [0905].
  King James It shall devour the strength of his skin: even the firstborn of death shall devour his strength.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
UMBREIT has "he" for "it," that is, "in the rage of hunger he shall devour his own body"; or, "his own children" (Lam 4:10). Rather, "destruction" from Job 18:12 is nominative to "devour."

strength--rather, "members" (literally, the "branches" of a tree).

the first-born of death--a personification full of poetical horror. The first-born son held the chief place (Gen 49:3); so here the chiefest (most deadly) disease that death has ever engendered (Isa 14:30; "first-born of the poor"--the poorest). The Arabs call fever, "daughter of death."
30 And the firstborn [01060] of the poor [01800] shall feed [07462], and the needy [034] shall lie down [07257] in safety [0983]: and I will kill [04191] thy root [08328] with famine [07458], and he shall slay [02026] thy remnant [07611].
3 Reuben [07205], thou art my firstborn [01060], my might [03581], and the beginning [07225] of my strength [0202], the excellency [03499] of dignity [07613], and the excellency [03499] of power [05794]:
12 His strength [0202] shall be hungerbitten [07457], and destruction [0343] shall be ready [03559] at his side [06763].
10 The hands [03027] of the pitiful [07362] women [0802] have sodden [01310] their own children [03206]: they were their meat [01262] in the destruction [07667] of the daughter [01323] of my people [05971].
3 Reuben [07205], thou art my firstborn [01060], my might [03581], and the beginning [07225] of my strength [0202], the excellency [03499] of dignity [07613], and the excellency [03499] of power [05794]:
21 Surely such are the dwellings [04908] of the wicked [05767], and this is the place [04725] of him that knoweth [03045] not God [0410].