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Selected Verse: Job 17:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 17:6 Strong Concordance He hath made [03322] me also a byword [04914] of the people [05971]; and aforetime [06440] I was as a tabret [08611].
  King James He hath made me also a byword of the people; and aforetime I was as a tabret.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
He--God. The poet reverentially suppresses the name of God when speaking of calamities inflicted.

by-word-- (Deu 28:37; Psa 69:11). My awful punishment makes my name execrated everywhere, as if I must have been superlatively bad to have earned it.

aforetime . . . tabret--as David was honored (Sa1 18:6). Rather from a different Hebrew root, "I am treated to my face as an object of disgust," literally, "an object to be spit upon in the face" (Num 12:14). So Raca means (Mat 5:22) [UMBREIT].
22 But [1161] I [1473] say [3004] unto you [5213], That [3754] whosoever [3956] is angry [3710] with his [846] brother [80] without a cause [1500] shall be [2071] in danger [1777] of the judgment [2920]: and [1161] whosoever [3739] [302] shall say [2036] to his [846] brother [80], Raca [4469], shall be [2071] in danger [1777] of the council [4892]: but [1161] whosoever [3739] [302] shall say [2036], Thou fool [3474], shall be [2071] in danger [1777] of [1519] hell [1067] fire [4442].
14 And the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto Moses [04872], If her father [01] had but [03417] spit [03417] in her face [06440], should she not be ashamed [03637] seven [07651] days [03117]? let her be shut [05462] out [02351] from the camp [04264] seven [07651] days [03117], and after [0310] that let her be received [0622] in again.
6 And it came to pass as they came [0935], when David [01732] was returned [07725] from the slaughter [05221] of the Philistine [06430], that the women [0802] came out [03318] of all cities [05892] of Israel [03478], singing [07891] and dancing [04246], to meet [07125] king [04428] Saul [07586], with tabrets [08596], with joy [08057], and with instruments of musick [07991].
11 I made [05414] sackcloth [08242] also my garment [03830]; and I became a proverb [04912] to them.
37 And thou shalt become an astonishment [08047], a proverb [04912], and a byword [08148], among all nations [05971] whither the LORD [03068] shall lead [05090] thee.
12 And the harp [03658], and the viol [05035], the tabret [08596], and pipe [02485], and wine [03196], are in their feasts [04960]: but they regard [05027] not the work [06467] of the LORD [03068], neither consider [07200] the operation [04639] of his hands [03027].
22 But [1161] I [1473] say [3004] unto you [5213], That [3754] whosoever [3956] is angry [3710] with his [846] brother [80] without a cause [1500] shall be [2071] in danger [1777] of the judgment [2920]: and [1161] whosoever [3739] [302] shall say [2036] to his [846] brother [80], Raca [4469], shall be [2071] in danger [1777] of the council [4892]: but [1161] whosoever [3739] [302] shall say [2036], Thou fool [3474], shall be [2071] in danger [1777] of [1519] hell [1067] fire [4442].
5 But [0199] put forth [07971] thine hand [03027] now, and touch [05060] his bone [06106] and his flesh [01320], and he will curse [01288] thee to thy face [06440].
4 Yea, thou castest off [06565] fear [03374], and restrainest [01639] prayer [07881] before [06440] God [0410].
18 For in much [07230] wisdom [02451] is much [07230] grief [03708]: and he that increaseth [03254] knowledge [01847] increaseth [03254] sorrow [04341].
9 For this is as the waters [04325] of Noah [05146] unto me: for as I have sworn [07650] that the waters [04325] of Noah [05146] should no more go over [05674] the earth [0776]; so have I sworn [07650] that I would not be wroth [07107] with thee, nor rebuke [01605] thee.
11 He that loveth [0157] pureness [02890] [02889] of heart [03820], for the grace [02580] of his lips [08193] the king [04428] shall be his friend [07453].
29 If I rejoiced [08055] at the destruction [06365] of him that hated [08130] me, or lifted up [05782] myself when evil [07451] found [04672] him:
1 A Psalm of David [01732]. Fret [02734] not thyself because of evildoers [07489], neither be thou envious [07065] against the workers [06213] of iniquity [05766].
10 For my life [02416] is spent [03615] with grief [03015], and my years [08141] with sighing [0585]: my strength [03581] faileth [03782] because of mine iniquity [05771], and my bones [06106] are consumed [06244].
8 Depart [05493] from me, all ye workers [06466] of iniquity [0205]; for the LORD [03068] hath heard [08085] the voice [06963] of my weeping [01065].
9 Then shall his brother's wife [02994] come [05066] unto him in the presence [05869] of the elders [02205], and loose [02502] his shoe [05275] from off his foot [07272], and spit [03417] in his face [06440], and shall answer [06030] and say [0559], So shall it be done [06213] unto that man [0376] that will not build up [01129] his brother's [0251] house [01004].
14 And the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto Moses [04872], If her father [01] had but [03417] spit [03417] in her face [06440], should she not be ashamed [03637] seven [07651] days [03117]? let her be shut [05462] out [02351] from the camp [04264] seven [07651] days [03117], and after [0310] that let her be received [0622] in again.
22 But [1161] I [1473] say [3004] unto you [5213], That [3754] whosoever [3956] is angry [3710] with his [846] brother [80] without a cause [1500] shall be [2071] in danger [1777] of the judgment [2920]: and [1161] whosoever [3739] [302] shall say [2036] to his [846] brother [80], Raca [4469], shall be [2071] in danger [1777] of the council [4892]: but [1161] whosoever [3739] [302] shall say [2036], Thou fool [3474], shall be [2071] in danger [1777] of [1519] hell [1067] fire [4442].
6 He hath made [03322] me also a byword [04914] of the people [05971]; and aforetime [06440] I was as a tabret [08611].
11 Now when Job's [0347] three [07969] friends [07453] heard [08085] of all this evil [07451] that was come [0935] upon him, they came [0935] every one [0376] from his own place [04725]; Eliphaz [0464] the Temanite [08489], and Bildad [01085] the Shuhite [07747], and Zophar [06691] the Naamathite [05284]: for they had made an appointment [03259] together [03162] to come [0935] to mourn [05110] with him and to comfort [05162] him.
2 No doubt [0551] but ye are the people [05971], and wisdom [02451] shall die [04191] with you.
17 Let the priests [03548], the ministers [08334] of the LORD [03068], weep [01058] between the porch [0197] and the altar [04196], and let them say [0559], Spare [02347] thy people [05971], O LORD [03068], and give [05414] not thine heritage [05159] to reproach [02781], that the heathen [01471] should rule over [04910] them: wherefore should they say [0559] among the people [05971], Where is their God [0430]?
4 I am as one mocked [07814] of his neighbour [07453], who calleth [07121] upon God [0433], and he answereth [06030] him: the just [06662] upright [08549] man is laughed to scorn [07814].
6 He hath made [03322] me also a byword [04914] of the people [05971]; and aforetime [06440] I was as a tabret [08611].