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Selected Verse: Job 15:33 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 15:33 Strong Concordance He shall shake off [02554] his unripe grape [01154] as the vine [01612], and shall cast off [07993] his flower [05328] as the olive [02132].
  King James He shall shake off his unripe grape as the vine, and shall cast off his flower as the olive.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Images of incompleteness. The loss of the unripe grapes is poetically made the vine tree's own act, in order to express more pointedly that the sinner's ruin is the fruit of his own conduct (Isa 3:11; Jer 6:19).
19 Hear [08085], O earth [0776]: behold, I will bring [0935] evil [07451] upon this people [05971], even the fruit [06529] of their thoughts [04284], because they have not hearkened [07181] unto my words [01697], nor to my law [08451], but rejected [03988] it.
11 Woe [0188] unto the wicked [07563]! it shall be ill [07451] with him: for the reward [01576] of his hands [03027] shall be given [06213] him.
17 And [1161] if some [1536] of the branches [2798] be broken off [1575], and [1161] thou [4771], being [5607] a wild olive tree [65], wert graffed in [1461] among [1722] them [846], and [2532] with [4791] them [1096] partakest [4791] of the root [4491] and [2532] fatness [4096] of the olive tree [1636];
5 For afore [06440] the harvest [07105], when the bud [06525] is perfect [08552], and the sour grape [01155] is ripening [01580] in the flower [05328], he shall both cut off [03772] the sprigs [02150] with pruning hooks [04211], and take away [05493] and cut down [08456] the branches [05189].