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Selected Verse: Job 13:17 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 13:17 Strong Concordance Hear [08085] diligently [08085] my speech [04405], and my declaration [0262] with your ears [0241].
  King James Hear diligently my speech, and my declaration with your ears.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
my declaration--namely, that I wish to be permitted to justify myself immediately before God.

with your ears--that is, attentively.
15 Though [02005] he slay [06991] me, yet will I trust [03176] in him: but I will maintain [03198] mine own ways [01870] before [06440] him.
16 He also shall be my salvation [03444]: for an hypocrite [02611] shall not come [0935] before [06440] him.
19 Who is he that will plead [07378] with me? for now, if I hold my tongue [02790], I shall give up the ghost [01478].
6 If thou wert pure [02134] and upright [03477]; surely now he would awake [05782] for thee, and make the habitation [05116] of thy righteousness [06664] prosperous [07999].
13 For now should I have lain still [07901] and been quiet [08252], I should have slept [03462]: then had I been at rest [05117],
34 Who [5101] is he that condemneth [2632]? It is Christ [5547] that died [599], yea [1161] rather [3123] [2532], that is risen again [1453], who [3739] is [2076] even [2532] at [1722] the right hand [1188] of God [2316], who [3739] also [2532] maketh intercession [1793] for [5228] us [2257].
9 Behold, the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] will help [05826] me; who is he that shall condemn [07561] me? lo, they all shall wax old [01086] as a garment [0899]; the moth [06211] shall eat them up [0398].
7 Remember [02142], I pray thee, who ever perished [06], being innocent [05355]? or where [0375] were the righteous [03477] cut off [03582]?
5 If thou canst [03201] answer [07725] me, set thy words in order [06186] before [06440] me, stand up [03320].
4 I would order [06186] my cause [04941] before [06440] him, and fill [04390] my mouth [06310] with arguments [08433].
7 Then the earth [0776] shook [01607] and trembled [07493]; the foundations [04146] also of the hills [02022] moved [07264] and were shaken [01607], because he was wroth [02734].
9 In mine ears [0241] said the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], Of a truth [03808] many [07227] houses [01004] shall be desolate [08047], even great [01419] and fair [02896], without inhabitant [03427].
11 Are the consolations [08575] of God [0410] small [04592] with thee? is there any secret [0328] thing [01697] with thee?
17 Hear [08085] diligently [08085] my speech [04405], and my declaration [0262] with your ears [0241].
11 Then spake [0559] the priests [03548] and the prophets [05030] unto the princes [08269] and to all the people [05971], saying [0559], This man [0376] is worthy [04941] to die [04194]; for he hath prophesied [05012] against this city [05892], as ye have heard [08085] with your ears [0241].
17 Hear [08085] diligently [08085] my speech [04405], and my declaration [0262] with your ears [0241].
12 Forasmuch as [06903] [03606] an excellent [03493] spirit [07308], and knowledge [04486], and understanding [07924], interpreting [06590] of dreams [02493], and shewing [0263] of hard sentences [0280], and dissolving [08271] of doubts [07001], were found [07912] in the same Daniel [01841], whom the king [04430] named [07761] [08036] Belteshazzar [01096]: now [03705] let Daniel [01841] be called [07123], and he will shew [02324] the interpretation [06591].
3 There is no speech [0562] nor language [01697], where their voice [06963] is not heard [08085].