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Selected Verse: Job 1:20 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Job 1:20 Strong Concordance Then Job [0347] arose [06965], and rent [07167] his mantle [04598], and shaved [01494] his head [07218], and fell down [05307] upon the ground [0776], and worshipped [07812],
  King James Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped,

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Job arose--not necessarily from sitting. Inward excitement is implied, and the beginning to do anything. He had heard the other messages calmly, but on hearing of the death of his children, then he arose; or, as EICHORN translates, he started up (Sa2 13:31). The rending of the mantle was the conventional mark of deep grief (Gen 37:34). Orientals wear a tunic or shirt, and loose pantaloons; and over these a flowing mantle (especially great persons and women). Shaving the head was also usual in grief (Jer 41:5; Mic 1:16).
16 Make thee bald [07139], and poll [01494] thee for thy delicate [08588] children [01121]; enlarge [07337] thy baldness [07144] as the eagle [05404]; for they are gone into captivity [01540] from thee.
5 That there came [0935] certain [0582] from Shechem [07927], from Shiloh [07887], and from Samaria [08111], even fourscore [08084] men [0376], having their beards [02206] shaven [01548], and their clothes [0899] rent [07167], and having cut [01413] themselves, with offerings [04503] and incense [03828] in their hand [03027], to bring [0935] them to the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
34 And Jacob [03290] rent [07167] his clothes [08071], and put [07760] sackcloth [08242] upon his loins [04975], and mourned [056] for his son [01121] many [07227] days [03117].
31 Then the king [04428] arose [06965], and tare [07167] his garments [0899], and lay [07901] on the earth [0776]; and all his servants [05650] stood [05324] by with their clothes [0899] rent [07167].
6 And Joshua [03091] rent [07167] his clothes [08071], and fell [05307] to the earth [0776] upon his face [06440] before [06440] the ark [0727] of the LORD [03068] until the eventide [06153], he and the elders [02205] of Israel [03478], and put [05927] dust [06083] upon their heads [07218].
20 In the same day [03117] shall the Lord [0136] shave [01548] with a razor [08593] that is hired [07917], namely, by them beyond [05676] the river [05104], by the king [04428] of Assyria [0804], the head [07218], and the hair [08181] of the feet [07272]: and it shall also consume [05595] the beard [02206].
29 Cut off [01494] thine hair [05145], O Jerusalem, and cast it away [07993], and take up [05375] a lamentation [07015] on high places [08205]; for the LORD [03068] hath rejected [03988] and forsaken [05203] the generation [01755] of his wrath [05678].
40 And [2532] if any man will [2309] sue [2919] thee [4671] at the law [2919], and [2532] take away [2983] thy [4675] coat [5509], let [863] him [846] have [863] thy cloke [2440] also [2532].
31 And thou shalt make [06213] the robe [04598] of the ephod [0646] all [03632] of blue [08504].
14 And he said [0559] unto her, What form [08389] is he of? And she said [0559], An old [02205] man [0376] cometh up [05927]; and he is covered [05844] with a mantle [04598]. And Saul [07586] perceived [03045] that it was Samuel [08050], and he stooped [06915] with his face [0639] to the ground [0776], and bowed [07812] himself.
11 Moreover, my father [01], see [07200], yea, see [07200] the skirt [03671] of thy robe [04598] in my hand [03027]: for in that I cut off [03772] the skirt [03671] of thy robe [04598], and killed [02026] thee not, know [03045] thou and see [07200] that there is neither evil [07451] nor transgression [06588] in mine hand [03027], and I have not sinned [02398] against thee; yet thou huntest [06658] my soul [05315] to take [03947] it.
5 And it came to pass afterward [0310], that David's [01732] heart [03820] smote [05221] him, because he had cut off [03772] Saul's [07586] skirt [03671].
4 And Jonathan [03083] stripped [06584] himself of the robe [04598] that was upon him, and gave [05414] it to David [01732], and his garments [04055], even to his sword [02719], and to his bow [07198], and to his girdle [02289].
27 And as Samuel [08050] turned about [05437] to go away [03212], he laid hold [02388] upon the skirt [03671] of his mantle [04598], and it rent [07167].
18 And she had a garment [03801] of divers colours [06446] upon her: for with such robes [04598] were the king's [04428] daughters [01323] that were virgins [01330] apparelled [03847]. Then his servant [08334] brought [03318] her out [02351], and bolted [05274] the door [01817] after [0310] her.
13 And I, whither shall I cause my shame [02781] to go [03212]? and as for thee, thou shalt be as one [0259] of the fools [05036] in Israel [03478]. Now therefore, I pray thee, speak [01696] unto the king [04428]; for he will not withhold [04513] me from thee.
9 Who knoweth [03045] not in all these that the hand [03027] of the LORD [03068] hath wrought [06213] this?
15 My substance [06108] was not hid [03582] from thee, when I was made [06213] in secret [05643], and curiously wrought [07551] in the lowest parts [08482] of the earth [0776].
14 But those riches [06239] perish [06] by evil [07451] travail [06045]: and he begetteth [03205] a son [01121], and there is nothing [03972] in his hand [03027].
4 Nicodemus [3530] saith [3004] unto [4314] him [846], How [4459] can [1410] a man [444] be born [1080] when he is [5607] old [1088]? can [3361] [1410] he enter [1525] the second time [1208] into [1519] his [846] mother's [3384] womb [2836], and [2532] be born [1080]?
18 For I am full [04390] of matter [04405], the spirit [07307] within [0990] me constraineth [06693] me.
11 And Moses [04872] said [0559] unto the LORD [03068], Wherefore hast thou afflicted [07489] thy servant [05650]? and wherefore have I not found [04672] favour [02580] in thy sight [05869], that thou layest [07760] the burden [04853] of all this people [05971] upon me?
6 For word [01697] came [05060] unto the king [04428] of Nineveh [05210], and he arose [06965] from his throne [03678], and he laid [05674] his robe [0155] from him, and covered [03680] him with sackcloth [08242], and sat [03427] in ashes [0665].