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Selected Verse: Nehemiah 11:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ne 11:4 Strong Concordance And at Jerusalem [03389] dwelt [03427] certain of the children [01121] of Judah [03063], and of the children [01121] of Benjamin [01144]. Of the children [01121] of Judah [03063]; Athaiah [06265] the son [01121] of Uzziah [05818], the son [01121] of Zechariah [02148], the son [01121] of Amariah [0568], the son [01121] of Shephatiah [08203], the son [01121] of Mahalaleel [04111], of the children [01121] of Perez [06557];
  King James And at Jerusalem dwelt certain of the children of Judah, and of the children of Benjamin. Of the children of Judah; Athaiah the son of Uzziah, the son of Zechariah, the son of Amariah, the son of Shephatiah, the son of Mahalaleel, of the children of Perez;

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
at Jerusalem dwelt certain of the children of Judah--The discrepancy that is apparent between this [Neh. 11:4-36] and the list formerly given in Ch1 9:1-9, arose not only from the Jewish and Oriental practice of changing or modifying the names of persons from a change of circumstances, but from the alterations that must have been produced in the course of time. The catalogue in Chronicles contains those who came with the first detachment of returned exiles, while the list in this passage probably included also those who returned with Ezra and Nehemiah; or it was most probably made out afterwards, when several had died, or some, who had been inserted as going on the journey, remained, and others came in their stead.
1 So all Israel [03478] were reckoned by genealogies [03187]; and, behold, they were written [03789] in the book [05612] of the kings [04428] of Israel [03478] and Judah [03063], who were carried away [01540] to Babylon [0894] for their transgression [04604].
2 Now the first [07223] inhabitants [03427] that dwelt in their possessions [0272] in their cities [05892] were, the Israelites [03478], the priests [03548], Levites [03881], and the Nethinims [05411].
3 And in Jerusalem [03389] dwelt [03427] of the children [01121] of Judah [03063], and of the children [01121] of Benjamin [01144], and of the children [01121] of Ephraim [0669], and Manasseh [04519];
4 Uthai [05793] the son [01121] of Ammihud [05989], the son [01121] of Omri [06018], the son [01121] of Imri [0566], the son [01121] of Bani [01137], of the children [01121] of Pharez [06557] the son [01121] of Judah [03063].
5 And of the Shilonites [07888]; Asaiah [06222] the firstborn [01060], and his sons [01121].
6 And of the sons [01121] of Zerah [02226]; Jeuel [03262], and their brethren [0251], six [08337] hundred [03967] and ninety [08673].
7 And of the sons [01121] of Benjamin [01144]; Sallu [05543] the son [01121] of Meshullam [04918], the son [01121] of Hodaviah [01938], the son [01121] of Hasenuah [05574],
8 And Ibneiah [02997] the son [01121] of Jeroham [03395], and Elah [0425] the son [01121] of Uzzi [05813], the son [01121] of Michri [04381], and Meshullam [04918] the son [01121] of Shephathiah [08203], the son [01121] of Reuel [07467], the son [01121] of Ibnijah [02998];
9 And their brethren [0251], according to their generations [08435], nine [08672] hundred [03967] and fifty [02572] and six [08337]. All these men [0582] were chief [07218] of the fathers [01] in the house [01004] of their fathers [01].
17 And Mattaniah [04983] the son [01121] of Micha [04316], the son [01121] of Zabdi [02067], the son [01121] of Asaph [0623], was the principal [07218] to begin [08462] the thanksgiving [03034] in prayer [08605]: and Bakbukiah [01229] the second [04932] among his brethren [0251], and Abda [05653] the son [01121] of Shammua [08051], the son [01121] of Galal [01559], the son [01121] of Jeduthun [03038].
32 Also we made [05975] ordinances [04687] for us, to charge [05414] ourselves yearly [08141] with the third part [07992] of a shekel [08255] for the service [05656] of the house [01004] of our God [0430];
16 And Shabbethai [07678] and Jozabad [03107], of the chief [07218] of the Levites [03881], had the oversight of the outward [02435] business [04399] of the house [01004] of God [0430].
1 And the rulers [08269] of the people [05971] dwelt [03427] at Jerusalem [03389]: the rest [07605] of the people [05971] also cast [05307] lots [01486], to bring [0935] one [0259] of ten [06235] to dwell [03427] in Jerusalem [03389] the holy [06944] city [05892], and nine [08672] parts [03027] to dwell in other cities [05892].
2 And the people [05971] blessed [01288] all the men [0582], that willingly offered [05068] themselves to dwell [03427] at Jerusalem [03389].
3 And in Jerusalem [03389] dwelt [03427] of the children [01121] of Judah [03063], and of the children [01121] of Benjamin [01144], and of the children [01121] of Ephraim [0669], and Manasseh [04519];