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Selected Verse: Ezra 8:2 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ezr 8:2 Strong Concordance Of the sons [01121] of Phinehas [06372]; Gershom [01647]: of the sons [01121] of Ithamar [0385]; Daniel [01840]: of the sons [01121] of David [01732]; Hattush [02407].
  King James Of the sons of Phinehas; Gershom: of the sons of Ithamar; Daniel: of the sons of David; Hattush.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
Punctuate as follows:

Ezr 8:2. ... of the sons of David, Hattush of the sons of Shechaniah.

Ezr 8:3. Of the sons of Pharosh, Zechariah ....

Hattush, the descendant of David, was the grandson of Shechaniah (see marginal reference).

Most of these names Ezr 8:2-14 occur also as those of heads of families in the list of the Jews who returned with Zerubbabel Ezr 2:3-15. The Septuagint and Syriac versions supply omissions in Ezr 8:5, Ezr 8:10.
10 And of the sons [01121] of Shelomith [08019]; the son [01121] of Josiphiah [03131], and with him an hundred [03967] and threescore [08346] males [02145].
5 Of the sons [01121] of Shechaniah [07935]; the son [01121] of Jahaziel [03166], and with him three [07969] hundred [03967] males [02145].
3 The children [01121] of Parosh [06551], two thousand [0505] an hundred [03967] seventy [07657] and two [08147].
4 The children [01121] of Shephatiah [08203], three [07969] hundred [03967] seventy [07657] and two [08147].
5 The children [01121] of Arah [0733], seven [07651] hundred [03967] seventy [07657] and five [02568].
6 The children [01121] of Pahathmoab [06355], of the children [01121] of Jeshua [03442] and Joab [03097], two thousand [0505] eight [08083] hundred [03967] and twelve [08147] [06240].
7 The children [01121] of Elam [05867], a thousand [0505] two hundred [03967] fifty [02572] and four [0702].
8 The children [01121] of Zattu [02240], nine [08672] hundred [03967] forty [0705] and five [02568].
9 The children [01121] of Zaccai [02140], seven [07651] hundred [03967] and threescore [08346].
10 The children [01121] of Bani [01137], six [08337] hundred [03967] forty [0705] and two [08147].
11 The children [01121] of Bebai [0893], six [08337] hundred [03967] twenty [06242] and three [07969].
12 The children [01121] of Azgad [05803], a thousand [0505] two [08147] hundred [03967] twenty [06242] and two [08147].
13 The children [01121] of Adonikam [0140], six [08337] hundred [03967] sixty [08346] and six [08337].
14 The children [01121] of Bigvai [0902], two thousand [0505] fifty [02572] and six [08337].
15 The children [01121] of Adin [05720], four [0702] hundred [03967] fifty [02572] and four [0702].
2 Of the sons [01121] of Phinehas [06372]; Gershom [01647]: of the sons [01121] of Ithamar [0385]; Daniel [01840]: of the sons [01121] of David [01732]; Hattush [02407].
3 Of the sons [01121] of Shechaniah [07935], of the sons [01121] of Pharosh [06551]; Zechariah [02148]: and with him were reckoned by genealogy [03187] of the males [02145] an hundred [03967] and fifty [02572].
4 Of the sons [01121] of Pahathmoab [06355]; Elihoenai [0454] the son [01121] of Zerahiah [02228], and with him two hundred [03967] males [02145].
5 Of the sons [01121] of Shechaniah [07935]; the son [01121] of Jahaziel [03166], and with him three [07969] hundred [03967] males [02145].
6 Of the sons [01121] also of Adin [05720]; Ebed [05651] the son [01121] of Jonathan [03129], and with him fifty [02572] males [02145].
7 And of the sons [01121] of Elam [05867]; Jeshaiah [03470] the son [01121] of Athaliah [06271], and with him seventy [07657] males [02145].
8 And of the sons [01121] of Shephatiah [08203]; Zebadiah [02069] the son [01121] of Michael [04317], and with him fourscore [08084] males [02145].
9 Of the sons [01121] of Joab [03097]; Obadiah [05662] the son [01121] of Jehiel [03171], and with him two hundred [03967] and eighteen [08083] [06240] males [02145].
10 And of the sons [01121] of Shelomith [08019]; the son [01121] of Josiphiah [03131], and with him an hundred [03967] and threescore [08346] males [02145].
11 And of the sons [01121] of Bebai [0893]; Zechariah [02148] the son [01121] of Bebai [0893], and with him twenty [06242] and eight [08083] males [02145].
12 And of the sons [01121] of Azgad [05803]; Johanan [03110] the son [01121] of Hakkatan [06997], and with him an hundred [03967] and ten [06235] males [02145].
13 And of the last [0314] sons [01121] of Adonikam [0140], whose names [08034] are these, Eliphelet [0467], Jeiel [03273], and Shemaiah [08098], and with them threescore [08346] males [02145].
14 Of the sons [01121] also of Bigvai [0902]; Uthai [05793], and Zabbud [02072] [02139], and with them seventy [07657] males [02145].
3 Of the sons [01121] of Shechaniah [07935], of the sons [01121] of Pharosh [06551]; Zechariah [02148]: and with him were reckoned by genealogy [03187] of the males [02145] an hundred [03967] and fifty [02572].
2 Of the sons [01121] of Phinehas [06372]; Gershom [01647]: of the sons [01121] of Ithamar [0385]; Daniel [01840]: of the sons [01121] of David [01732]; Hattush [02407].