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Selected Verse: 1 Chronicles 9:18 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Ch 9:18 Strong Concordance Who hitherto waited in the king's [04428] gate [08179] eastward [04217]: they were porters [07778] in the companies [04264] of the children [01121] of Levi [03878].
  King James Who hitherto waited in the king's gate eastward: they were porters in the companies of the children of Levi.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
the king's gate--The king had a gate from his palace into the temple (Kg2 16:18), which doubtless was kept constantly closed except for the monarch's use; and although there was no king in Israel on the return from the captivity, yet the old ceremonial was kept up, probably in the hope that the scepter would, ere long, be restored to the house of David. It is an honor by which Eastern kings are distinguished, to have a gate exclusively devoted to their own special use, and which is kept constantly closed, except when he goes out or returns (Eze 44:2). There being no king then in Israel, this gate would be always shut.
2 Then said [0559] the LORD [03068] unto me; This gate [08179] shall be shut [05462], it shall not be opened [06605], and no man [0376] shall enter [0935] in by it; because the LORD [03068], the God [0430] of Israel [03478], hath entered [0935] in by it, therefore it shall be shut [05462].
18 And the covert [04329] [04329] for the sabbath [07676] that they had built [01129] in the house [01004], and the king's [04428] entry [03996] without [02435], turned [05437] he from the house [01004] of the LORD [03068] for [06440] the king [04428] of Assyria [0804].
28 These were heads [07218] of the fathers [01], by their generations [08435], chief [07218] men. These dwelt [03427] in Jerusalem [03389].
34 These chief [07218] fathers [01] of the Levites [03881] were chief [07218] throughout their generations [08435]; these dwelt [03427] at Jerusalem [03389].
27 And they lodged [03885] round about [05439] the house [01004] of God [0430], because the charge [04931] was upon them, and the opening [04668] thereof every morning [01242] pertained to them.
12 And the men [0582] did [06213] the work [04399] faithfully [0530]: and the overseers [05329] of them were Jahath [03189] and Obadiah [05662], the Levites [03881], of the sons [01121] of Merari [04847]; and Zechariah [02148] and Meshullam [04918], of the sons of the Kohathites [06956], to set it forward [06485]; and other of the Levites [03881], all that could skill [0995] of instruments [03627] of musick [07892].
14 And of the Levites [03881]; Shemaiah [08098] the son [01121] of Hasshub [02815], the son [01121] of Azrikam [05840], the son [01121] of Hashabiah [02811], of the sons [01121] of Merari [04847];
15 And Bakbakkar [01230], Heresh [02792], and Galal [01559], and Mattaniah [04983] the son [01121] of Micah [04316], the son [01121] of Zichri [02147], the son [01121] of Asaph [0623];
16 And Obadiah [05662] the son [01121] of Shemaiah [08098], the son [01121] of Galal [01559], the son [01121] of Jeduthun [03038], and Berechiah [01296] the son [01121] of Asa [0609], the son [01121] of Elkanah [0511], that dwelt [03427] in the villages [02691] of the Netophathites [05200].
34 These chief [07218] fathers [01] of the Levites [03881] were chief [07218] throughout their generations [08435]; these dwelt [03427] at Jerusalem [03389].
33 And these are the singers [07891], chief [07218] of the fathers [01] of the Levites [03881], who remaining in the chambers [03957] were free [06362] [06359]: for they were employed in that work [04399] day [03119] and night [03915].
33 And these are the singers [07891], chief [07218] of the fathers [01] of the Levites [03881], who remaining in the chambers [03957] were free [06362] [06359]: for they were employed in that work [04399] day [03119] and night [03915].
34 These chief [07218] fathers [01] of the Levites [03881] were chief [07218] throughout their generations [08435]; these dwelt [03427] at Jerusalem [03389].
32 And other of their brethren [0251], of the sons [01121] of the Kohathites [06956], were over the shewbread [03899] [04635], to prepare [03559] it every sabbath [07676].
5 And thou shalt take [03947] fine flour [05560], and bake [0644] twelve [06240] cakes [02471] thereof: two [08147] tenth deals [06241] shall be in one [0259] cake [02471].
6 And thou shalt set [07760] them in two [08147] rows [04634], six [08337] on a row [04635], upon the pure [02889] table [07979] before [06440] the LORD [03068].
7 And thou shalt put [05414] pure [02134] frankincense [03828] upon each row [04635], that it may be on the bread [03899] for a memorial [0234], even an offering made by fire [0801] unto the LORD [03068].
8 Every sabbath [07676] he shall set it [03117] in order [06186] before [06440] the LORD [03068] continually [08548], being taken from the children [01121] of Israel [03478] by an everlasting [05769] covenant [01285].
32 And other of their brethren [0251], of the sons [01121] of the Kohathites [06956], were over the shewbread [03899] [04635], to prepare [03559] it every sabbath [07676].
3 And he said [0559], Cast [07993] it on the ground [0776]. And he cast [07993] it on the ground [0776], and it became a serpent [05175]; and Moses [04872] fled [05127] from before [06440] it.
30 And some of the sons [01121] of the priests [03548] made [07543] the ointment [04842] of the spices [01314].
19 And Shallum [07967] the son [01121] of Kore [06981], the son [01121] of Ebiasaph [043], the son [01121] of Korah [07141], and his brethren [0251], of the house [01004] of his father [01], the Korahites [07145], were over the work [04399] of the service [05656], keepers [08104] of the gates [05592] of the tabernacle [0168]: and their fathers [01], being over the host [04264] of the LORD [03068], were keepers [08104] of the entry [03996].
31 And Mattithiah [04993], one of the Levites [03881], who was the firstborn [01060] of Shallum [07967] the Korahite [07145], had the set office [0530] over the things that were made [04639] in the pans [02281].
23 Take [03947] thou also unto thee principal [07218] spices [01314], of pure [01865] myrrh [04753] five [02568] hundred [03967] shekels, and of sweet [01314] cinnamon [07076] half [04276] so much [04276], even two hundred [03967] and fifty [02572] shekels, and of sweet [01314] calamus [07070] two hundred [03967] and fifty [02572] shekels,
24 And of cassia [06916] five [02568] hundred [03967] shekels, after the shekel [08255] of the sanctuary [06944], and of oil [08081] olive [02132] an hin [01969]:
25 And thou shalt make [06213] it an oil [08081] of holy [06944] ointment [04888], an ointment [07545] compound [04842] after the art [04639] of the apothecary [07543]: it shall be an holy [06944] anointing [04888] oil [08081].
30 And some of the sons [01121] of the priests [03548] made [07543] the ointment [04842] of the spices [01314].
6 Oil [08081] for the light [03974], spices [01314] for anointing [04888] oil [08081], and for sweet [05561] incense [07004],
1 And when any [05315] will offer [07126] a meat [04503] offering [07133] unto the LORD [03068], his offering [07133] shall be of fine flour [05560]; and he shall pour [03332] oil [08081] upon it, and put [05414] frankincense [03828] thereon:
29 Some of them also were appointed [04487] to oversee the vessels [03627], and all the instruments [03627] of the sanctuary [06944], and the fine flour [05560], and the wine [03196], and the oil [08081], and the frankincense [03828], and the spices [01314].
29 Some of them also were appointed [04487] to oversee the vessels [03627], and all the instruments [03627] of the sanctuary [06944], and the fine flour [05560], and the wine [03196], and the oil [08081], and the frankincense [03828], and the spices [01314].
28 And certain of them had the charge of [05921] the ministering [05656] vessels [03627], that they should bring them in [0935] and out [03318] by tale [04557] [04557].
22 And the key [04668] of the house [01004] of David [01732] will I lay [05414] upon his shoulder [07926]; so he shall open [06605], and none shall shut [05462]; and he shall shut [05462], and none shall open [06605].
25 And they tarried [02342] till they were ashamed [0954]: and, behold, he opened [06605] not the doors [01817] of the parlour [05944]; therefore they took [03947] a key [04668], and opened [06605] them: and, behold, their lord [0113] was fallen down [05307] dead [04191] on the earth [0776].
27 And they lodged [03885] round about [05439] the house [01004] of God [0430], because the charge [04931] was upon them, and the opening [04668] thereof every morning [01242] pertained to them.
27 And they lodged [03885] round about [05439] the house [01004] of God [0430], because the charge [04931] was upon them, and the opening [04668] thereof every morning [01242] pertained to them.
26 For these Levites [03881], the four [0702] chief [01368] porters [07778], were in their set office [0530], and were over the chambers [03957] and treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430].
27 And they lodged [03885] round about [05439] the house [01004] of God [0430], because the charge [04931] was upon them, and the opening [04668] thereof every morning [01242] pertained to them.
14 And of the Levites [03881]; Shemaiah [08098] the son [01121] of Hasshub [02815], the son [01121] of Azrikam [05840], the son [01121] of Hashabiah [02811], of the sons [01121] of Merari [04847];
22 All these which were chosen [01305] to be porters [07778] in the gates [05592] were two hundred [03967] and twelve [08147] [06240]. These were reckoned by their genealogy [03187] in their villages [02691], whom [01992] David [01732] and Samuel [08050] the seer [07200] did ordain [03245] in their set office [0530].
52 Then [1161] Jesus [2424] said [2036] unto [4314] the chief priests [749], and [2532] captains [4755] of the temple [2411], and [2532] the elders [4245], which were come [3854] to [1909] him [846], Be ye come out [1831], as [5613] against [1909] a thief [3027], with [3326] swords [3162] and [2532] staves [3586]?
26 For these Levites [03881], the four [0702] chief [01368] porters [07778], were in their set office [0530], and were over the chambers [03957] and treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430].
17 And the porters [07778] were, Shallum [07967], and Akkub [06126], and Talmon [02929], and Ahiman [0289], and their brethren [0251]: Shallum [07967] was the chief [07218];
1 Now the sons [01121] of Reuben [07205] the firstborn [01060] of Israel [03478], (for he was the firstborn [01060]; but, forasmuch as he defiled [02490] his father's [01] bed [03326], his birthright [01062] was given [05414] unto the sons [01121] of Joseph [03130] the son [01121] of Israel [03478]: and the genealogy is not to be reckoned [03187] after the birthright [01062].
22 All these which were chosen [01305] to be porters [07778] in the gates [05592] were two hundred [03967] and twelve [08147] [06240]. These were reckoned by their genealogy [03187] in their villages [02691], whom [01992] David [01732] and Samuel [08050] the seer [07200] did ordain [03245] in their set office [0530].
25 And their brethren [0251], which were in their villages [02691], were to come [0935] after seven [07651] days [03117] from time [06256] to time [06256] with them.
26 For these Levites [03881], the four [0702] chief [01368] porters [07778], were in their set office [0530], and were over the chambers [03957] and treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430].
14 And the lot [01486] eastward [04217] fell [05307] to Shelemiah [08018]. Then for Zechariah [02148] his son [01121], a wise [07922] counsellor [03289], they cast [05307] lots [01486]; and his lot [01486] came out [03318] northward [06828].
16 And it came to pass from that time [03117] forth, that the half [02677] of my servants [05288] wrought [06213] in the work [04399], and the other half [02677] of them held [02388] both the spears [07420], the shields [04043], and the bows [07198], and the habergeons [08302]; and the rulers [08269] were behind [0310] all the house [01004] of Judah [03063].
3 Now Tobiah [02900] the Ammonite [05984] was by him [0681], and he said [0559], Even that which they build [01129], if a fox [07776] go up [05927], he shall even break down [06555] their stone [068] wall [02346].
9 Also Bakbukiah [01229] and Unni [06042], their brethren [0251], were over against them in the watches [04931].
23 So they and their children [01121] had the oversight of the gates [08179] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], namely, the house [01004] of the tabernacle [0168], by wards [04931].
24 In four [0702] quarters [07307] were the porters [07778], toward the east [04217], west [03220], north [06828], and south [05045].
12 And brought in [0935] the offerings [08641] and the tithes [04643] and the dedicated [06944] things faithfully [0530]: over which Cononiah [03562] the Levite [03881] was ruler [05057], and Shimei [08096] his brother [0251] was the next [04932].
7 Howbeit there was no reckoning made [02803] with them of the money [03701] that was delivered [05414] into their hand [03027], because they dealt [06213] faithfully [0530].
16 The trespass [0817] money [03701] and sin [02403] money [03701] was not brought [0935] into the house [01004] of the LORD [03068]: it was the priests [03548]'.
31 And Mattithiah [04993], one of the Levites [03881], who was the firstborn [01060] of Shallum [07967] the Korahite [07145], had the set office [0530] over the things that were made [04639] in the pans [02281].
26 For these Levites [03881], the four [0702] chief [01368] porters [07778], were in their set office [0530], and were over the chambers [03957] and treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430].
3 Now Samuel [08050] was dead [04191], and all Israel [03478] had lamented [05594] him, and buried [06912] him in Ramah [07414], even in his own city [05892]. And Saul [07586] had put away [05493] those that had familiar spirits [0178], and the wizards [03049], out of the land [0776].
1 And Samuel [08050] died [04191]; and all the Israelites [03478] were gathered together [06908], and lamented [05594] him, and buried [06912] him in his house [01004] at Ramah [07414]. And David [01732] arose [06965], and went down [03381] to the wilderness [04057] of Paran [06290].
9 (Beforetime [06440] in Israel [03478], when a man [0376] went [03212] to enquire [01875] of God [0430], thus he spake [0559], Come [03212], and let us go [03212] to the seer [07200]: for he that is now [03117] called a Prophet [05030] was beforetime [06440] called [07121] a Seer [07200]
29 Also from the house [01004] of Gilgal [01537] [01019], and out of the fields [07704] of Geba [01387] and Azmaveth [05820]: for the singers [07891] had builded [01129] them villages [02691] round about [05439] Jerusalem [03389].
23 And the border [01366] of the children [01121] of Reuben [07205] was Jordan [03383], and the border [01366] thereof. This was the inheritance [05159] of the children [01121] of Reuben [07205] after their families [04940], the cities [05892] and the villages [02691] thereof.
41 The son [01121] of Ethni [0867], the son [01121] of Zerah [02226], the son [01121] of Adaiah [05718],
19 Moreover the porters [07778], Akkub [06126], Talmon [02929], and their brethren [0251] that kept [08104] the gates [08179], were an hundred [03967] seventy [07657] and two [08147].
42 The children [01121] of the porters [07778]: the children [01121] of Shallum [07967], the children [01121] of Ater [0333], the children [01121] of Talmon [02929], the children [01121] of Akkub [06126], the children [01121] of Hatita [02410], the children [01121] of Shobai [07630], in all an hundred [03967] thirty [07970] and nine [08672].
10 Also Hosah [02621], of the children [01121] of Merari [04847], had sons [01121]; Simri [08113] the chief [07218], (for though he was not the firstborn [01060], yet his father [01] made [07760] him the chief [07218];)
11 Hilkiah [02518] the second [08145], Tebaliah [02882] the third [07992], Zechariah [02148] the fourth [07243]: all the sons [01121] and brethren [0251] of Hosah [02621] were thirteen [07969] [06240].
8 All these of the sons [01121] of Obededom [05654]: they and their sons [01121] and their brethren [0251], able [02428] men [0376] for strength [03581] for the service [05656], were threescore [08346] and two [08147] of Obededom [05654].
9 And Meshelemiah [04920] had sons [01121] and brethren [0251], strong [02428] men [01121], eighteen [08083] [06240].
10 Also Hosah [02621], of the children [01121] of Merari [04847], had sons [01121]; Simri [08113] the chief [07218], (for though he was not the firstborn [01060], yet his father [01] made [07760] him the chief [07218];)
17 And the porters [07778] were, Shallum [07967], and Akkub [06126], and Talmon [02929], and Ahiman [0289], and their brethren [0251]: Shallum [07967] was the chief [07218];
17 And the porters [07778] were, Shallum [07967], and Akkub [06126], and Talmon [02929], and Ahiman [0289], and their brethren [0251]: Shallum [07967] was the chief [07218];
17 And the porters [07778] were, Shallum [07967], and Akkub [06126], and Talmon [02929], and Ahiman [0289], and their brethren [0251]: Shallum [07967] was the chief [07218];
18 Who hitherto waited in the king's [04428] gate [08179] eastward [04217]: they were porters [07778] in the companies [04264] of the children [01121] of Levi [03878].
19 And Shallum [07967] the son [01121] of Kore [06981], the son [01121] of Ebiasaph [043], the son [01121] of Korah [07141], and his brethren [0251], of the house [01004] of his father [01], the Korahites [07145], were over the work [04399] of the service [05656], keepers [08104] of the gates [05592] of the tabernacle [0168]: and their fathers [01], being over the host [04264] of the LORD [03068], were keepers [08104] of the entry [03996].
20 And Phinehas [06372] the son [01121] of Eleazar [0499] was the ruler [05057] over them in time past [06440], and the LORD [03068] was with him.
21 And Zechariah [02148] the son [01121] of Meshelemiah [04920] was porter [07778] of the door [06607] of the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150].
22 All these which were chosen [01305] to be porters [07778] in the gates [05592] were two hundred [03967] and twelve [08147] [06240]. These were reckoned by their genealogy [03187] in their villages [02691], whom [01992] David [01732] and Samuel [08050] the seer [07200] did ordain [03245] in their set office [0530].
22 All these which were chosen [01305] to be porters [07778] in the gates [05592] were two hundred [03967] and twelve [08147] [06240]. These were reckoned by their genealogy [03187] in their villages [02691], whom [01992] David [01732] and Samuel [08050] the seer [07200] did ordain [03245] in their set office [0530].
19 And Shallum [07967] the son [01121] of Kore [06981], the son [01121] of Ebiasaph [043], the son [01121] of Korah [07141], and his brethren [0251], of the house [01004] of his father [01], the Korahites [07145], were over the work [04399] of the service [05656], keepers [08104] of the gates [05592] of the tabernacle [0168]: and their fathers [01], being over the host [04264] of the LORD [03068], were keepers [08104] of the entry [03996].
20 And Phinehas [06372] the son [01121] of Eleazar [0499] was the ruler [05057] over them in time past [06440], and the LORD [03068] was with him.
21 And Zechariah [02148] the son [01121] of Meshelemiah [04920] was porter [07778] of the door [06607] of the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150].
17 And the porters [07778] were, Shallum [07967], and Akkub [06126], and Talmon [02929], and Ahiman [0289], and their brethren [0251]: Shallum [07967] was the chief [07218];
18 Who hitherto waited in the king's [04428] gate [08179] eastward [04217]: they were porters [07778] in the companies [04264] of the children [01121] of Levi [03878].
19 And Shallum [07967] the son [01121] of Kore [06981], the son [01121] of Ebiasaph [043], the son [01121] of Korah [07141], and his brethren [0251], of the house [01004] of his father [01], the Korahites [07145], were over the work [04399] of the service [05656], keepers [08104] of the gates [05592] of the tabernacle [0168]: and their fathers [01], being over the host [04264] of the LORD [03068], were keepers [08104] of the entry [03996].
22 All these which were chosen [01305] to be porters [07778] in the gates [05592] were two hundred [03967] and twelve [08147] [06240]. These were reckoned by their genealogy [03187] in their villages [02691], whom [01992] David [01732] and Samuel [08050] the seer [07200] did ordain [03245] in their set office [0530].
22 All these which were chosen [01305] to be porters [07778] in the gates [05592] were two hundred [03967] and twelve [08147] [06240]. These were reckoned by their genealogy [03187] in their villages [02691], whom [01992] David [01732] and Samuel [08050] the seer [07200] did ordain [03245] in their set office [0530].
14 And the lot [01486] eastward [04217] fell [05307] to Shelemiah [08018]. Then for Zechariah [02148] his son [01121], a wise [07922] counsellor [03289], they cast [05307] lots [01486]; and his lot [01486] came out [03318] northward [06828].
2 And the sons [01121] of Meshelemiah [04920] were, Zechariah [02148] the firstborn [01060], Jediael [03043] the second [08145], Zebadiah [02069] the third [07992], Jathniel [03496] the fourth [07243],
21 And Zechariah [02148] the son [01121] of Meshelemiah [04920] was porter [07778] of the door [06607] of the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150].
21 And Zechariah [02148] the son [01121] of Meshelemiah [04920] was porter [07778] of the door [06607] of the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150].
11 Phinehas [06372], the son [01121] of Eleazar [0499], the son [01121] of Aaron [0175] the priest [03548], hath turned [07725] my wrath [02534] away [07725] from the children [01121] of Israel [03478], while he was zealous [07065] for my sake [07068] among [08432] them, that I consumed [03615] not the children [01121] of Israel [03478] in my jealousy [07068].
12 Wherefore say [0559], Behold, I give [05414] unto him my covenant [01285] of peace [07965]:
13 And he shall have it, and his seed [02233] after [0310] him, even the covenant [01285] of an everlasting [05769] priesthood [03550]; because [0834] he was zealous [07065] for his God [0430], and made an atonement [03722] for the children [01121] of Israel [03478].
9 So David [01732] waxed [03212] greater [01980] and greater [01419]: for the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] was with him.
32 And Eleazar [0499] the son [01121] of Aaron [0175] the priest [03548] shall be chief [05387] over the chief [05387] of the Levites [03881], and have the oversight [06486] of them that keep [08104] the charge [04931] of the sanctuary [06944].
20 And Phinehas [06372] the son [01121] of Eleazar [0499] was the ruler [05057] over them in time past [06440], and the LORD [03068] was with him.
2 And Hezekiah [03169] appointed [05975] the courses [04256] of the priests [03548] and the Levites [03881] after their courses [04256], every man [0376] according [06310] to his service [05656], the priests [03548] and Levites [03881] for burnt offerings [05930] and for peace offerings [08002], to minister [08334], and to give thanks [03034], and to praise [01984] in the gates [08179] of the tents [04264] of the LORD [03068].
4 This shall be the service [05656] of the sons [01121] of Kohath [06955] in the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150], about the most [06944] holy things [06944]:
20 And Phinehas [06372] the son [01121] of Eleazar [0499] was the ruler [05057] over them in time past [06440], and the LORD [03068] was with him.
19 And Shallum [07967] the son [01121] of Kore [06981], the son [01121] of Ebiasaph [043], the son [01121] of Korah [07141], and his brethren [0251], of the house [01004] of his father [01], the Korahites [07145], were over the work [04399] of the service [05656], keepers [08104] of the gates [05592] of the tabernacle [0168]: and their fathers [01], being over the host [04264] of the LORD [03068], were keepers [08104] of the entry [03996].
19 And Shallum [07967] the son [01121] of Kore [06981], the son [01121] of Ebiasaph [043], the son [01121] of Korah [07141], and his brethren [0251], of the house [01004] of his father [01], the Korahites [07145], were over the work [04399] of the service [05656], keepers [08104] of the gates [05592] of the tabernacle [0168]: and their fathers [01], being over the host [04264] of the LORD [03068], were keepers [08104] of the entry [03996].
21 Of Gershon [01648] was the family [04940] of the Libnites [03846], and the family [04940] of the Shimites [08097]: these are the families [04940] of the Gershonites [01649].
17 And the porters [07778] were, Shallum [07967], and Akkub [06126], and Talmon [02929], and Ahiman [0289], and their brethren [0251]: Shallum [07967] was the chief [07218];
14 And Kore [06981] the son [01121] of Imnah [03232] the Levite [03881], the porter [07778] toward the east [04217], was over the freewill offerings [05071] of God [0430], to distribute [05414] the oblations [08641] of the LORD [03068], and the most [06944] holy things [06944].
21 And Zechariah [02148] the son [01121] of Meshelemiah [04920] was porter [07778] of the door [06607] of the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150].
14 And the lot [01486] eastward [04217] fell [05307] to Shelemiah [08018]. Then for Zechariah [02148] his son [01121], a wise [07922] counsellor [03289], they cast [05307] lots [01486]; and his lot [01486] came out [03318] northward [06828].
1 Concerning the divisions [04256] of the porters [07778]: Of the Korhites [07145] was Meshelemiah [04920] the son [01121] of Kore [06981], of the sons [01121] of Asaph [0623].
3 Then went [0935] he inward [06441], and measured [04058] the post [0352] of the door [06607], two [08147] cubits [0520]; and the door [06607], six [08337] cubits [0520]; and the breadth [07341] of the door [06607], seven [07651] cubits [0520].
1 Thus saith [0559] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069]; The gate [08179] of the inner [06442] court [02691] that looketh [06437] toward the east [06921] shall be shut [05462] the six [08337] working [04639] days [03117]; but on the sabbath [07676] [03117] it shall be opened [06605], and in the day [03117] of the new moon [02320] it shall be opened [06605].
2 And the prince [05387] shall enter [0935] by the way [01870] of the porch [0197] of that gate [08179] without [02351], and shall stand [05975] by the post [04201] of the gate [08179], and the priests [03548] shall prepare [06213] his burnt offering [05930] and his peace offerings [08002], and he shall worship [07812] at the threshold [04670] of the gate [08179]: then he shall go forth [03318]; but the gate [08179] shall not be shut [05462] until the evening [06153].
24 In four [0702] quarters [07307] were the porters [07778], toward the east [04217], west [03220], north [06828], and south [05045].
25 And their brethren [0251], which were in their villages [02691], were to come [0935] after seven [07651] days [03117] from time [06256] to time [06256] with them.
26 For these Levites [03881], the four [0702] chief [01368] porters [07778], were in their set office [0530], and were over the chambers [03957] and treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430].
18 Who hitherto waited in the king's [04428] gate [08179] eastward [04217]: they were porters [07778] in the companies [04264] of the children [01121] of Levi [03878].
18 And the covert [04329] [04329] for the sabbath [07676] that they had built [01129] in the house [01004], and the king's [04428] entry [03996] without [02435], turned [05437] he from the house [01004] of the LORD [03068] for [06440] the king [04428] of Assyria [0804].