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Selected Verse: 1 Chronicles 29:26 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Ch 29:26 Strong Concordance Thus David [01732] the son [01121] of Jesse [03448] reigned [04427] over all Israel [03478].
  King James Thus David the son of Jesse reigned over all Israel.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
HIS REIGN AND DEATH. (Ch1 29:26-30)

Thus David . . . reigned--(See Kg1 2:11).

11 And the days [03117] that David [01732] reigned [04427] over Israel [03478] were forty [0705] years [08141]: seven [07651] years [08141] reigned [04427] he in Hebron [02275], and thirty [07970] and three [07969] years [08141] reigned [04427] he in Jerusalem [03389].
26 Thus David [01732] the son [01121] of Jesse [03448] reigned [04427] over all Israel [03478].
27 And the time [03117] that he reigned [04427] over Israel [03478] was forty [0705] years [08141]; seven [07651] years [08141] reigned [04427] he in Hebron [02275], and thirty [07970] and three [07969] years reigned [04427] he in Jerusalem [03389].
28 And he died [04191] in a good [02896] old age [07872], full [07649] of days [03117], riches [06239], and honour [03519]: and Solomon [08010] his son [01121] reigned [04427] in his stead.
29 Now the acts [01697] of David [01732] the king [04428], first [07223] and last [0314], behold, they are written [03789] in the book [01697] of Samuel [08050] the seer [07200], and in the book [01697] of Nathan [05416] the prophet [05030], and in the book [01697] of Gad [01410] the seer [02374],
30 With all his reign [04438] and his might [01369], and the times [06256] that went over [05674] him, and over Israel [03478], and over all the kingdoms [04467] of the countries [0776].
5 In Hebron [02275] he reigned [04427] over Judah [03063] seven [07651] years [08141] and six [08337] months [02320]: and in Jerusalem [03389] he reigned [04427] thirty [07970] and three [07969] years [08141] over all Israel [03478] and Judah [03063].
11 And the days [03117] that David [01732] reigned [04427] over Israel [03478] were forty [0705] years [08141]: seven [07651] years [08141] reigned [04427] he in Hebron [02275], and thirty [07970] and three [07969] years [08141] reigned [04427] he in Jerusalem [03389].
38 All these men [0582] of war [04421], that could keep [05737] rank [04634], came [0935] with a perfect [08003] heart [03820] to Hebron [02275], to make David [01732] king [04427] over all Israel [03478]: and all the rest [07611] also of Israel [03478] were of one [0259] heart [03824] to make David [01732] king [04427].
1 Then all Israel [03478] gathered [06908] themselves to David [01732] unto Hebron [02275], saying [0559], Behold, we are thy bone [06106] and thy flesh [01320].