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Selected Verse: 1 Chronicles 28:2 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Ch 28:2 Strong Concordance Then David [01732] the king [04428] stood up [06965] upon his feet [07272], and said [0559], Hear [08085] me, my brethren [0251], and my people [05971]: As for me, I had in mine heart [03824] to build [01129] an house [01004] of rest [04496] for the ark [0727] of the covenant [01285] of the LORD [03068], and for the footstool [01916] [07272] of our God [0430], and had made ready [03559] for the building [01129]:
  King James Then David the king stood up upon his feet, and said, Hear me, my brethren, and my people: As for me, I had in mine heart to build an house of rest for the ark of the covenant of the LORD, and for the footstool of our God, and had made ready for the building:

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Hear me, my brethren, and my people--This was the style of address becoming a constitutional king of Israel (Deu 17:20; Sa1 30:23; Sa2 5:1).

I had in mine heart--I proposed, or designed.

to build an house of rest--a solid and permanent temple.

for the footstool of our God--God seated between the cherubim, at the two extremities of the ark, might be said to be enthroned in His glory, and the coverlet of the ark to be His footstool.

and had made ready for the building--The immense treasures which David had amassed and the elaborate preparations he had made, would have been amply sufficient for the erection of the temple of which he presented the model to Solomon.
1 Then came [0935] all the tribes [07626] of Israel [03478] to David [01732] unto Hebron [02275], and spake [0559], saying [0559], Behold, we are thy bone [06106] and thy flesh [01320].
23 Then said [0559] David [01732], Ye shall not do so [06213], my brethren [0251], with that which the LORD [03068] hath given [05414] us, who hath preserved [08104] us, and delivered [05414] the company [01416] that came [0935] against us into our hand [03027].
20 That his heart [03824] be not lifted up [07311] above his brethren [0251], and that he turn not aside [05493] from the commandment [04687], to the right hand [03225], or to the left [08040]: to the end that he may prolong [0748] his days [03117] in his kingdom [04467], he, and his children [01121], in the midst [07130] of Israel [03478].
12 Ye are my brethren [0251], ye are my bones [06106] and my flesh [01320]: wherefore then are ye the last [0314] to bring back [07725] the king [04428]?
23 Then said [0559] David [01732], Ye shall not do so [06213], my brethren [0251], with that which the LORD [03068] hath given [05414] us, who hath preserved [08104] us, and delivered [05414] the company [01416] that came [0935] against us into our hand [03027].
20 That his heart [03824] be not lifted up [07311] above his brethren [0251], and that he turn not aside [05493] from the commandment [04687], to the right hand [03225], or to the left [08040]: to the end that he may prolong [0748] his days [03117] in his kingdom [04467], he, and his children [01121], in the midst [07130] of Israel [03478].
47 And moreover the king's [04428] servants [05650] came [0935] to bless [01288] our lord [0113] king [04428] David [01732], saying [0559], God [0430] make the name [08034] of Solomon [08010] better [03190] than thy name [08034], and make [01431] his throne [03678] greater [01431] than thy throne [03678]. And the king [04428] bowed [07812] himself upon the bed [04904].