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Selected Verse: 1 Chronicles 28:11 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Ch 28:11 Strong Concordance Then David [01732] gave [05414] to Solomon [08010] his son [01121] the pattern [08403] of the porch [0197], and of the houses [01004] thereof, and of the treasuries [01597] thereof, and of the upper chambers [05944] thereof, and of the inner [06442] parlours [02315] thereof, and of the place [01004] of the mercy seat [03727],
  King James Then David gave to Solomon his son the pattern of the porch, and of the houses thereof, and of the treasuries thereof, and of the upper chambers thereof, and of the inner parlours thereof, and of the place of the mercy seat,

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Then David gave to Solomon . . . the pattern--He now put into the hands of his son and successor the plan or model of the temple, with the elevations, measurements, apartments, and chief articles of furniture, all of which were designed according to the pattern given him by divine revelation (Ch1 28:19).
19 All this, said David, the LORD [03068] made me understand [07919] in writing [03791] by his hand [03027] upon me, even all the works [04399] of this pattern [08403].
5 And against the wall [07023] of the house [01004] he built [01129] chambers [03326] [03326] round about [05439], against the walls [07023] of the house [01004] round about [05439], both of the temple [01964] and of the oracle [01687]: and he made [06213] chambers [06763] round about [05439]:
9 And the weight [04948] of the nails [04548] was fifty [02572] shekels [08255] of gold [02091]. And he overlaid [02645] the upper chambers [05944] with gold [02091].
8 And he made [06213] the most [06944] holy [06944] house [01004], the length [0753] whereof was according to [06440] the breadth [07341] of the house [01004], twenty [06242] cubits [0520], and the breadth [07341] thereof twenty [06242] cubits [0520]: and he overlaid [02645] it with fine [02896] gold [02091], amounting to six [08337] hundred [03967] talents [03603].
5 And the greater [01419] house [01004] he cieled [02645] with fir [01265] tree [06086], which he overlaid [02645] with fine [02896] gold [02091], and set [05927] thereon palm trees [08561] and chains [08333].
27 And he set [05414] the cherubims [03742] within [08432] the inner [06442] house [01004]: and they stretched forth [06566] the wings [03671] of the cherubims [03742], so that the wing [03671] of the one [0259] touched [05060] the one wall [07023], and the wing [03671] of the other [08145] cherub [03742] touched [05060] the other [08145] wall [07023]; and their wings [03671] touched [05060] one [03671] another [03671] in the midst [08432] of the house [01004].
17 And the house [01004], that is, the temple [01964] before [03942] it, was forty [0705] cubits [0520] long.
19 All this, said David, the LORD [03068] made me understand [07919] in writing [03791] by his hand [03027] upon me, even all the works [04399] of this pattern [08403].
8 Hollow [05014] with boards [03871] shalt thou make [06213] it: as it was shewed [07200] thee in the mount [02022], so shall they make [06213] it.
40 And look [07200] that thou make [06213] them after their pattern [08403], which was shewed [07200] thee in the mount [02022].
14 So the spirit [07307] lifted me up [05375], and took me away [03947], and I went [03212] in bitterness [04751], in the heat [02534] of my spirit [07307]; but the hand [03027] of the LORD [03068] was strong [02388] upon me.
3 The word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came expressly unto Ezekiel [03168] the priest [03548], the son [01121] of Buzi [0941], in the land [0776] of the Chaldeans [03778] by the river [05104] Chebar [03529]; and the hand [03027] of the LORD [03068] was there upon him.
15 But now bring [03947] me a minstrel [05059]. And it came to pass, when the minstrel [05059] played [05059], that the hand [03027] of the LORD [03068] came upon him.
1 And the LORD [03068] spake [01696] unto Moses [04872], saying [0559],
4 And prepare [03559] [03559] yourselves by the houses [01004] of your fathers [01], after your courses [04256], according to the writing [03791] of David [01732] king [04428] of Israel [03478], and according to the writing [04385] of Solomon [08010] his son [01121].
8 I delight [02654] to do [06213] thy will [07522], O my God [0430]: yea, thy law [08451] is within [08432] my heart [04578].
11 Then David [01732] gave [05414] to Solomon [08010] his son [01121] the pattern [08403] of the porch [0197], and of the houses [01004] thereof, and of the treasuries [01597] thereof, and of the upper chambers [05944] thereof, and of the inner [06442] parlours [02315] thereof, and of the place [01004] of the mercy seat [03727],
12 And the pattern [08403] of all that he had by the spirit [07307], of the courts [02691] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and of all the chambers [03957] round about [05439], of the treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430], and of the treasuries [0214] of the dedicated things [06944]:
13 Also for the courses [04256] of the priests [03548] and the Levites [03881], and for all the work [04399] of the service [05656] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and for all the vessels [03627] of service [05656] in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
14 He gave of gold [02091] by weight [04948] for things of gold [02091], for all instruments [03627] of all manner of service [05656]; silver also for all instruments [03627] of silver [03701] by weight [04948], for all instruments [03627] of every kind of service [05656]:
15 Even the weight [04948] for the candlesticks [04501] of gold [02091], and for their lamps [05216] of gold [02091], by weight [04948] for every candlestick [04501], and for the lamps [05216] thereof: and for the candlesticks [04501] of silver [03701] by weight [04948], both for the candlestick [04501], and also for the lamps [05216] thereof, according to the use [05656] of every candlestick [04501].
16 And by weight [04948] he gave gold [02091] for the tables [07979] of shewbread [04635], for every table [07979]; and likewise silver [03701] for the tables [07979] of silver [03701]:
17 Also pure [02889] gold [02091] for the fleshhooks [04207], and the bowls [04219], and the cups [07184]: and for the golden [02091] basons [03713] he gave gold by weight [04948] for every bason [03713]; and likewise silver by weight [04948] for every bason [03713] of silver [03701]:
18 And for the altar [04196] of incense [07004] refined [02212] gold [02091] by weight [04948]; and gold [02091] for the pattern [08403] of the chariot [04818] of the cherubims [03742], that spread out [06566] their wings, and covered [05526] the ark [0727] of the covenant [01285] of the LORD [03068].
19 All this, said David, the LORD [03068] made me understand [07919] in writing [03791] by his hand [03027] upon me, even all the works [04399] of this pattern [08403].
20 And the cherubims [03742] shall stretch [06566] forth their wings [03671] on high [04605], covering [05526] the mercy seat [03727] with their wings [03671], and their faces [06440] shall look one [0376] to another [0251]; toward the mercy seat [03727] shall the faces [06440] of the cherubims [03742] be.
18 And for the altar [04196] of incense [07004] refined [02212] gold [02091] by weight [04948]; and gold [02091] for the pattern [08403] of the chariot [04818] of the cherubims [03742], that spread out [06566] their wings, and covered [05526] the ark [0727] of the covenant [01285] of the LORD [03068].
20 And the cherubims [03742] shall stretch [06566] forth their wings [03671] on high [04605], covering [05526] the mercy seat [03727] with their wings [03671], and their faces [06440] shall look one [0376] to another [0251]; toward the mercy seat [03727] shall the faces [06440] of the cherubims [03742] be.
7 For the cherubims [03742] spread forth [06566] their two wings [03671] over the place [04725] of the ark [0727], and the cherubims [03742] covered [05526] the ark [0727] and the staves [0905] thereof above [04605].
20 And the cherubims [03742] shall stretch [06566] forth their wings [03671] on high [04605], covering [05526] the mercy seat [03727] with their wings [03671], and their faces [06440] shall look one [0376] to another [0251]; toward the mercy seat [03727] shall the faces [06440] of the cherubims [03742] be.
8 For the cherubims [03742] spread forth [06566] their wings [03671] over the place [04725] of the ark [0727], and the cherubims [03742] covered [03680] the ark [0727] and the staves [0905] thereof above [04605].
15 Now as I beheld [07200] the living creatures [02416], behold one [0259] wheel [0212] upon the earth [0776] by [0681] the living creatures [02416], with his four [0702] faces [06440].
11 He made [07896] darkness [02822] his secret place [05643]; his pavilion [05521] round about [05439] him were dark [02824] waters [04325] and thick clouds [05645] of the skies [07834].
22 And there I will meet [03259] with thee, and I will commune [01696] with thee from above the mercy seat [03727], from between [0996] the two [08147] cherubims [03742] which are upon [05921] the ark [0727] of the testimony [05715], of all things which I will give thee in commandment [06680] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478].
1 The LORD [03068] reigneth [04427]; let the people [05971] tremble [07264]: he sitteth [03427] between the cherubims [03742]; let the earth [0776] be moved [05120].
11 He made [07896] darkness [02822] his secret place [05643]; his pavilion [05521] round about [05439] him were dark [02824] waters [04325] and thick clouds [05645] of the skies [07834].
12 And the pattern [08403] of all that he had by the spirit [07307], of the courts [02691] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and of all the chambers [03957] round about [05439], of the treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430], and of the treasuries [0214] of the dedicated things [06944]:
11 Then David [01732] gave [05414] to Solomon [08010] his son [01121] the pattern [08403] of the porch [0197], and of the houses [01004] thereof, and of the treasuries [01597] thereof, and of the upper chambers [05944] thereof, and of the inner [06442] parlours [02315] thereof, and of the place [01004] of the mercy seat [03727],
18 And for the altar [04196] of incense [07004] refined [02212] gold [02091] by weight [04948]; and gold [02091] for the pattern [08403] of the chariot [04818] of the cherubims [03742], that spread out [06566] their wings, and covered [05526] the ark [0727] of the covenant [01285] of the LORD [03068].
27 Also twenty [06242] basons [03713] of gold [02091], of a thousand [0505] drams [0150]; and two [08147] vessels [03627] of fine [02896] [06668] copper [05178], precious [02532] as gold [02091].
10 Thirty [07970] basons [03713] of gold [02091], silver [03701] basons [03713] of a second [04932] sort four [0702] hundred [03967] and ten [06235], and other [0312] vessels [03627] a thousand [0505].
7 And upon the table [07979] of shewbread [06440] they shall spread [06566] a cloth [0899] of blue [08504], and put [05414] thereon the dishes [07086], and the spoons [03709], and the bowls [04518], and covers [07184] to cover withal [05262]: and the continual [08548] bread [03899] shall be thereon:
16 And he made [06213] the vessels [03627] which were upon the table [07979], his dishes [07086], and his spoons [03709], and his bowls [04518], and his covers [07184] to cover [05258] withal [02004], of pure [02889] gold [02091].
29 And thou shalt make [06213] the dishes [07086] thereof, and spoons [03709] thereof, and covers [07184] thereof, and bowls [04518] thereof, to cover [05258] withal [02004]: of pure [02889] gold [02091] shalt thou make [06213] them.
22 And the snuffers [04212], and the basons [04219], and the spoons [03709], and the censers [04289], of pure [05462] gold [02091]: and the entry [06607] of the house [01004], the inner [06442] doors [01817] thereof for the most [06944] holy [06944] place, and the doors [01817] of the house [01004] of the temple [01964], were of gold [02091].
11 Then David [01732] gave [05414] to Solomon [08010] his son [01121] the pattern [08403] of the porch [0197], and of the houses [01004] thereof, and of the treasuries [01597] thereof, and of the upper chambers [05944] thereof, and of the inner [06442] parlours [02315] thereof, and of the place [01004] of the mercy seat [03727],
17 Also pure [02889] gold [02091] for the fleshhooks [04207], and the bowls [04219], and the cups [07184]: and for the golden [02091] basons [03713] he gave gold by weight [04948] for every bason [03713]; and likewise silver by weight [04948] for every bason [03713] of silver [03701]:
15 And the firepans [04289], and the bowls [04219], and such things as were of gold [02091], in gold [02091], and of silver [03701], in silver [03701], the captain [07227] of the guard [02876] took away [03947].
14 And when they had finished [03615] it, they brought [0935] the rest [07605] of the money [03701] before [06440] the king [04428] and Jehoiada [03077], whereof were made [06213] vessels [03627] for the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], even vessels [03627] to minister [08335], and to offer [05927] withal, and spoons [03709], and vessels [03627] of gold [02091] and silver [03701]. And they offered [05927] burnt offerings [05930] in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068] continually [08548] all the days [03117] of Jehoiada [03077].
14 But they gave [05414] that to the workmen [04399] [06213], and repaired [02388] therewith the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
15 Even the weight [04948] for the candlesticks [04501] of gold [02091], and for their lamps [05216] of gold [02091], by weight [04948] for every candlestick [04501], and for the lamps [05216] thereof: and for the candlesticks [04501] of silver [03701] by weight [04948], both for the candlestick [04501], and also for the lamps [05216] thereof, according to the use [05656] of every candlestick [04501].
6 And thou shalt set [07760] them in two [08147] rows [04634], six [08337] on a row [04635], upon the pure [02889] table [07979] before [06440] the LORD [03068].
11 And they burn [06999] unto the LORD [03068] every morning [01242] and every evening [06153] burnt sacrifices [05930] and sweet [05561] incense [07004]: the shewbread [03899] [04635] also set they in order upon the pure [02889] table [07979]; and the candlestick [04501] of gold [02091] with the lamps [05216] thereof, to burn [01197] every evening [06153]: for we keep [08104] the charge [04931] of the LORD [03068] our God [0430]; but ye have forsaken [05800] him.
16 And by weight [04948] he gave gold [02091] for the tables [07979] of shewbread [04635], for every table [07979]; and likewise silver [03701] for the tables [07979] of silver [03701]:
11 Then David [01732] gave [05414] to Solomon [08010] his son [01121] the pattern [08403] of the porch [0197], and of the houses [01004] thereof, and of the treasuries [01597] thereof, and of the upper chambers [05944] thereof, and of the inner [06442] parlours [02315] thereof, and of the place [01004] of the mercy seat [03727],
19 All this, said David, the LORD [03068] made me understand [07919] in writing [03791] by his hand [03027] upon me, even all the works [04399] of this pattern [08403].
12 And the pattern [08403] of all that he had by the spirit [07307], of the courts [02691] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and of all the chambers [03957] round about [05439], of the treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430], and of the treasuries [0214] of the dedicated things [06944]:
11 Then David [01732] gave [05414] to Solomon [08010] his son [01121] the pattern [08403] of the porch [0197], and of the houses [01004] thereof, and of the treasuries [01597] thereof, and of the upper chambers [05944] thereof, and of the inner [06442] parlours [02315] thereof, and of the place [01004] of the mercy seat [03727],
15 And king [04428] Solomon [08010] made [06213] two hundred [03967] targets [06793] of beaten [07820] gold [02091]: six [08337] hundred [03967] shekels of beaten [07820] gold [02091] went [05927] to one [0259] target [06793].
11 Then David [01732] gave [05414] to Solomon [08010] his son [01121] the pattern [08403] of the porch [0197], and of the houses [01004] thereof, and of the treasuries [01597] thereof, and of the upper chambers [05944] thereof, and of the inner [06442] parlours [02315] thereof, and of the place [01004] of the mercy seat [03727],
15 Even the weight [04948] for the candlesticks [04501] of gold [02091], and for their lamps [05216] of gold [02091], by weight [04948] for every candlestick [04501], and for the lamps [05216] thereof: and for the candlesticks [04501] of silver [03701] by weight [04948], both for the candlestick [04501], and also for the lamps [05216] thereof, according to the use [05656] of every candlestick [04501].
2 Now I have prepared [03559] with all my might [03581] for the house [01004] of my God [0430] the gold [02091] for things to be made of gold [02091], and the silver [03701] for things of silver [03701], and the brass [05178] for things of brass [05178], the iron [01270] for things of iron [01270], and wood [06086] for things of wood [06086]; onyx [07718] stones [068], and stones to be set [04394], glistering [06320] stones [068], and of divers colours [07553], and all manner of precious [03368] stones [068], and marble [07893] stones [068] in abundance [07230].
12 And the pattern [08403] of all that he had by the spirit [07307], of the courts [02691] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and of all the chambers [03957] round about [05439], of the treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430], and of the treasuries [0214] of the dedicated things [06944]:
14 He gave of gold [02091] by weight [04948] for things of gold [02091], for all instruments [03627] of all manner of service [05656]; silver also for all instruments [03627] of silver [03701] by weight [04948], for all instruments [03627] of every kind of service [05656]:
13 Also for the courses [04256] of the priests [03548] and the Levites [03881], and for all the work [04399] of the service [05656] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and for all the vessels [03627] of service [05656] in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
14 He gave of gold [02091] by weight [04948] for things of gold [02091], for all instruments [03627] of all manner of service [05656]; silver also for all instruments [03627] of silver [03701] by weight [04948], for all instruments [03627] of every kind of service [05656]:
15 Even the weight [04948] for the candlesticks [04501] of gold [02091], and for their lamps [05216] of gold [02091], by weight [04948] for every candlestick [04501], and for the lamps [05216] thereof: and for the candlesticks [04501] of silver [03701] by weight [04948], both for the candlestick [04501], and also for the lamps [05216] thereof, according to the use [05656] of every candlestick [04501].
16 And by weight [04948] he gave gold [02091] for the tables [07979] of shewbread [04635], for every table [07979]; and likewise silver [03701] for the tables [07979] of silver [03701]:
20 And of the Levites [03881], Ahijah [0281] was over the treasures [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430], and over the treasures [0214] of the dedicated things [06944].
12 And the pattern [08403] of all that he had by the spirit [07307], of the courts [02691] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and of all the chambers [03957] round about [05439], of the treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430], and of the treasuries [0214] of the dedicated things [06944]:
9 And the weight [04948] of the nails [04548] was fifty [02572] shekels [08255] of gold [02091]. And he overlaid [02645] the upper chambers [05944] with gold [02091].
20 And whatsoever more [07606] shall be needful [02819] for the house [01005] of thy God [0426], which thou shalt have occasion [05308] to bestow [05415], bestow [05415] it out of [04481] the king's [04430] treasure [01596] house [01005].
24 These were thy merchants [07402] in all sorts [04360] of things, in blue [08504] clothes [01545], and broidered work [07553], and in chests [01595] of rich apparel [01264], bound [02280] with cords [02256], and made of cedar [0729], among thy merchandise [04819].
7 And Mordecai [04782] told [05046] him of all that had happened [07136] unto him, and of the sum [06575] of the money [03701] that Haman [02001] had promised [0559] to pay [08254] to the king's [04428] treasuries [01595] for the Jews [03064], to destroy [06] them.
9 If it please [02895] the king [04428], let it be written [03789] that they may be destroyed [06]: and I will pay [08254] ten [06235] thousand [0505] talents [03603] of silver [03701] to the hands [03027] of those that have the charge [06213] of the business [04399], to bring [0935] it into the king's [04428] treasuries [01595].
10 Take heed [07200] now; for the LORD [03068] hath chosen [0977] thee to build [01129] an house [01004] for the sanctuary [04720]: be strong [02388], and do [06213] it.
9 According to all that I shew [07200] thee, after the pattern [08403] of the tabernacle [04908], and the pattern [08403] of all the instruments [03627] thereof, even so shall ye make [06213] it.
13 Also for the courses [04256] of the priests [03548] and the Levites [03881], and for all the work [04399] of the service [05656] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and for all the vessels [03627] of service [05656] in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
12 And the pattern [08403] of all that he had by the spirit [07307], of the courts [02691] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and of all the chambers [03957] round about [05439], of the treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430], and of the treasuries [0214] of the dedicated things [06944]:
11 Then David [01732] gave [05414] to Solomon [08010] his son [01121] the pattern [08403] of the porch [0197], and of the houses [01004] thereof, and of the treasuries [01597] thereof, and of the upper chambers [05944] thereof, and of the inner [06442] parlours [02315] thereof, and of the place [01004] of the mercy seat [03727],
5 And against the wall [07023] of the house [01004] he built [01129] chambers [03326] [03326] round about [05439], against the walls [07023] of the house [01004] round about [05439], both of the temple [01964] and of the oracle [01687]: and he made [06213] chambers [06763] round about [05439]:
1 And when the seventh [07637] month [02320] was come [05060], and the children [01121] of Israel [03478] were in the cities [05892], the people [05971] gathered themselves together [0622] as one [0259] man [0376] to Jerusalem [03389].
2 Then stood up [06965] Jeshua [03442] the son [01121] of Jozadak [03136], and his brethren [0251] the priests [03548], and Zerubbabel [02216] the son [01121] of Shealtiel [07597], and his brethren [0251], and builded [01129] the altar [04196] of the God [0430] of Israel [03478], to offer [05927] burnt offerings [05930] thereon, as it is written [03789] in the law [08451] of Moses [04872] the man [0376] of God [0430].
3 And they set [03559] the altar [04196] upon his bases [04350]; for fear [0367] was upon them because of the people [05971] of those countries [0776]: and they offered [05927] burnt offerings [05930] thereon unto the LORD [03068], even burnt offerings [05930] morning [01242] and evening [06153].
4 They kept [06213] also the feast [02282] of tabernacles [05521], as it is written [03789], and offered the daily [03117] [03117] burnt offerings [05930] by number [04557], according to the custom [04941], as the duty [01697] of every day [03117] required [03117];
5 And afterward [0310] offered the continual [08548] burnt offering [05930], both of the new moons [02320], and of all the set feasts [04150] of the LORD [03068] that were consecrated [06942], and of every one that willingly offered [05068] a freewill offering [05071] unto the LORD [03068].
6 From the first [0259] day [03117] of the seventh [07637] month [02320] began [02490] they to offer [05927] burnt offerings [05930] unto the LORD [03068]. But the foundation [03245] of the temple [01964] of the LORD [03068] was not yet laid [03245].
7 They gave [05414] money [03701] also unto the masons [02672], and to the carpenters [02796]; and meat [03978], and drink [04960], and oil [08081], unto them of Zidon [06722], and to them of Tyre [06876], to bring [0935] cedar [0730] trees [06086] from Lebanon [03844] to the sea [03220] of Joppa [03305], according to the grant [07558] that they had of Cyrus [03566] king [04428] of Persia [06539].
8 Now in the second [08145] year [08141] of their coming [0935] unto the house [01004] of God [0430] at Jerusalem [03389], in the second [08145] month [02320], began [02490] Zerubbabel [02216] the son [01121] of Shealtiel [07597], and Jeshua [03442] the son [01121] of Jozadak [03136], and the remnant [07605] of their brethren [0251] the priests [03548] and the Levites [03881], and all they that were come out [0935] of the captivity [07628] unto Jerusalem [03389]; and appointed [05975] the Levites [03881], from twenty [06242] years [08141] old [01121] and upward [04605], to set forward [05329] the work [04399] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
9 Then stood [05975] Jeshua [03442] with his sons [01121] and his brethren [0251], Kadmiel [06934] and his sons [01121], the sons [01121] of Judah [03063], together [0259], to set forward [05329] the workmen [06213] [04399] in the house [01004] of God [0430]: the sons [01121] of Henadad [02582], with their sons [01121] and their brethren [0251] the Levites [03881].
10 And when the builders [01129] laid the foundation [03245] of the temple [01964] of the LORD [03068], they set [05975] the priests [03548] in their apparel [03847] with trumpets [02689], and the Levites [03881] the sons [01121] of Asaph [0623] with cymbals [04700], to praise [01984] the LORD [03068], after the ordinance [03027] of David [01732] king [04428] of Israel [03478].
11 And they sang together by course [06030] in praising [01984] and giving thanks [03034] unto the LORD [03068]; because he is good [02896], for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769] toward Israel [03478]. And all the people [05971] shouted [07321] with a great [01419] shout [08643], when they praised [01984] the LORD [03068], because the foundation [03245] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068] was laid [03245].
12 But many [07227] of the priests [03548] and Levites [03881] and chief [07218] of the fathers [01], who were ancient men [02205], that had seen [07200] the first [07223] house [01004], when the foundation [03245] of this house [01004] was laid [03245] before their eyes [05869], wept [01058] with a loud [01419] voice [06963]; and many [07227] shouted [08643] aloud [07311] for joy [08057]:
13 So that the people [05971] could not discern [05234] the noise [06963] of the shout [08643] of joy [08057] from the noise [06963] of the weeping [01065] of the people [05971]: for the people [05971] shouted [07321] with a loud [01419] shout [08643], and the noise [06963] was heard [08085] afar off [07350].
19 All this, said David, the LORD [03068] made me understand [07919] in writing [03791] by his hand [03027] upon me, even all the works [04399] of this pattern [08403].
12 And the pattern [08403] of all that he had by the spirit [07307], of the courts [02691] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and of all the chambers [03957] round about [05439], of the treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430], and of the treasuries [0214] of the dedicated things [06944]: