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Selected Verse: 1 Chronicles 26:1 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Ch 26:1 Strong Concordance Concerning the divisions [04256] of the porters [07778]: Of the Korhites [07145] was Meshelemiah [04920] the son [01121] of Kore [06981], of the sons [01121] of Asaph [0623].
  King James Concerning the divisions of the porters: Of the Korhites was Meshelemiah the son of Kore, of the sons of Asaph.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]

Concerning the divisions of the porters--There were four thousand (Ch1 23:6), all taken from the families of the Kohathites and Merarites (Ch1 26:14), divided into twenty-four courses--as the priests and musicians.

Meshelemiah the son of Kore, of the sons of Asaph--Seven sons of Meshelemiah are mentioned (Ch1 26:2), whereas eighteen are given (Ch1 26:9), but in this latter number his relatives are included.
9 And Meshelemiah [04920] had sons [01121] and brethren [0251], strong [02428] men [01121], eighteen [08083] [06240].
2 And the sons [01121] of Meshelemiah [04920] were, Zechariah [02148] the firstborn [01060], Jediael [03043] the second [08145], Zebadiah [02069] the third [07992], Jathniel [03496] the fourth [07243],
14 And the lot [01486] eastward [04217] fell [05307] to Shelemiah [08018]. Then for Zechariah [02148] his son [01121], a wise [07922] counsellor [03289], they cast [05307] lots [01486]; and his lot [01486] came out [03318] northward [06828].
6 And David [01732] divided [02505] them into courses [04256] among the sons [01121] of Levi [03878], namely, Gershon [01648], Kohath [06955], and Merari [04847].
1 Concerning the divisions [04256] of the porters [07778]: Of the Korhites [07145] was Meshelemiah [04920] the son [01121] of Kore [06981], of the sons [01121] of Asaph [0623].
2 And the sons [01121] of Meshelemiah [04920] were, Zechariah [02148] the firstborn [01060], Jediael [03043] the second [08145], Zebadiah [02069] the third [07992], Jathniel [03496] the fourth [07243],
3 Elam [05867] the fifth [02549], Jehohanan [03076] the sixth [08345], Elioenai [0454] the seventh [07637].
4 Moreover the sons [01121] of Obededom [05654] were, Shemaiah [08098] the firstborn [01060], Jehozabad [03075] the second [08145], Joah [03098] the third [07992], and Sacar [07940] the fourth [07243], and Nethaneel [05417] the fifth [02549],
5 Ammiel [05988] the sixth [08345], Issachar [03485] the seventh [07637], Peulthai [06469] the eighth [08066]: for God [0430] blessed [01288] him.
6 Also unto Shemaiah [08098] his son [01121] were sons [01121] born [03205], that ruled [04474] throughout the house [01004] of their father [01]: for they were mighty men [01368] of valour [02428].
7 The sons [01121] of Shemaiah [08098]; Othni [06273], and Rephael [07501], and Obed [05744], Elzabad [0443], whose brethren [0251] were strong [02428] men [01121], Elihu [0453], and Semachiah [05565].
8 All these of the sons [01121] of Obededom [05654]: they and their sons [01121] and their brethren [0251], able [02428] men [0376] for strength [03581] for the service [05656], were threescore [08346] and two [08147] of Obededom [05654].
9 And Meshelemiah [04920] had sons [01121] and brethren [0251], strong [02428] men [01121], eighteen [08083] [06240].
10 Also Hosah [02621], of the children [01121] of Merari [04847], had sons [01121]; Simri [08113] the chief [07218], (for though he was not the firstborn [01060], yet his father [01] made [07760] him the chief [07218];)
11 Hilkiah [02518] the second [08145], Tebaliah [02882] the third [07992], Zechariah [02148] the fourth [07243]: all the sons [01121] and brethren [0251] of Hosah [02621] were thirteen [07969] [06240].
12 Among these were the divisions [04256] of the porters [07778], even among the chief [07218] men [01397], having wards [04931] one against [05980] another [0251], to minister [08334] in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
5 Moreover four [0702] thousand [0505] were porters [07778]; and four [0702] thousand [0505] praised [01984] the LORD [03068] with the instruments [03627] which I made [06213], said David, to praise [01984] therewith.
17 And the porters [07778] were, Shallum [07967], and Akkub [06126], and Talmon [02929], and Ahiman [0289], and their brethren [0251]: Shallum [07967] was the chief [07218];
18 Who hitherto waited in the king's [04428] gate [08179] eastward [04217]: they were porters [07778] in the companies [04264] of the children [01121] of Levi [03878].
19 And Shallum [07967] the son [01121] of Kore [06981], the son [01121] of Ebiasaph [043], the son [01121] of Korah [07141], and his brethren [0251], of the house [01004] of his father [01], the Korahites [07145], were over the work [04399] of the service [05656], keepers [08104] of the gates [05592] of the tabernacle [0168]: and their fathers [01], being over the host [04264] of the LORD [03068], were keepers [08104] of the entry [03996].
20 And Phinehas [06372] the son [01121] of Eleazar [0499] was the ruler [05057] over them in time past [06440], and the LORD [03068] was with him.
21 And Zechariah [02148] the son [01121] of Meshelemiah [04920] was porter [07778] of the door [06607] of the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150].
22 All these which were chosen [01305] to be porters [07778] in the gates [05592] were two hundred [03967] and twelve [08147] [06240]. These were reckoned by their genealogy [03187] in their villages [02691], whom [01992] David [01732] and Samuel [08050] the seer [07200] did ordain [03245] in their set office [0530].
23 So they and their children [01121] had the oversight of the gates [08179] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], namely, the house [01004] of the tabernacle [0168], by wards [04931].
24 In four [0702] quarters [07307] were the porters [07778], toward the east [04217], west [03220], north [06828], and south [05045].
25 And their brethren [0251], which were in their villages [02691], were to come [0935] after seven [07651] days [03117] from time [06256] to time [06256] with them.
26 For these Levites [03881], the four [0702] chief [01368] porters [07778], were in their set office [0530], and were over the chambers [03957] and treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430].
27 And they lodged [03885] round about [05439] the house [01004] of God [0430], because the charge [04931] was upon them, and the opening [04668] thereof every morning [01242] pertained to them.
14 And the lot [01486] eastward [04217] fell [05307] to Shelemiah [08018]. Then for Zechariah [02148] his son [01121], a wise [07922] counsellor [03289], they cast [05307] lots [01486]; and his lot [01486] came out [03318] northward [06828].
21 And Zechariah [02148] the son [01121] of Meshelemiah [04920] was porter [07778] of the door [06607] of the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150].
3 Elam [05867] the fifth [02549], Jehohanan [03076] the sixth [08345], Elioenai [0454] the seventh [07637].
2 And the sons [01121] of Meshelemiah [04920] were, Zechariah [02148] the firstborn [01060], Jediael [03043] the second [08145], Zebadiah [02069] the third [07992], Jathniel [03496] the fourth [07243],
39 And his brother [0251] Asaph [0623], who stood [05975] on his right hand [03225], even Asaph [0623] the son [01121] of Berachiah [01296], the son [01121] of Shimea [08092],
16 When they have a matter [01697], they come [0935] unto me; and I judge [08199] between one [0376] and another [07453], and I do make them know [03045] the statutes [02706] of God [0430], and his laws [08451].
21 And the sons [01121] of Izhar [03324]; Korah [07141], and Nepheg [05298], and Zichri [02147].
19 And Shallum [07967] the son [01121] of Kore [06981], the son [01121] of Ebiasaph [043], the son [01121] of Korah [07141], and his brethren [0251], of the house [01004] of his father [01], the Korahites [07145], were over the work [04399] of the service [05656], keepers [08104] of the gates [05592] of the tabernacle [0168]: and their fathers [01], being over the host [04264] of the LORD [03068], were keepers [08104] of the entry [03996].
14 And the lot [01486] eastward [04217] fell [05307] to Shelemiah [08018]. Then for Zechariah [02148] his son [01121], a wise [07922] counsellor [03289], they cast [05307] lots [01486]; and his lot [01486] came out [03318] northward [06828].
1 Concerning the divisions [04256] of the porters [07778]: Of the Korhites [07145] was Meshelemiah [04920] the son [01121] of Kore [06981], of the sons [01121] of Asaph [0623].
5 Moreover four [0702] thousand [0505] were porters [07778]; and four [0702] thousand [0505] praised [01984] the LORD [03068] with the instruments [03627] which I made [06213], said David, to praise [01984] therewith.
16 To Shuppim [08206] and Hosah [02621] the lot came forth westward [04628], with the gate [08179] Shallecheth [07996], by the causeway [04546] of the going up [05927], ward [04929] against [05980] ward [04929].
15 To Obededom [05654] southward [05045]; and to his sons [01121] the house [01004] of Asuppim [0624].
14 And the lot [01486] eastward [04217] fell [05307] to Shelemiah [08018]. Then for Zechariah [02148] his son [01121], a wise [07922] counsellor [03289], they cast [05307] lots [01486]; and his lot [01486] came out [03318] northward [06828].