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Selected Verse: 1 Chronicles 25:8 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Ch 25:8 Strong Concordance And they cast [05307] lots [01486], ward [04931] against [05980] ward, as well the small [06996] as the great [01419], the teacher [0995] as the scholar [08527].
  King James And they cast lots, ward against ward, as well the small as the great, the teacher as the scholar.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]

they cast lots, ward against ward--"Ward" is an old English word for "division" or "company." The lot was cast to determine the precedence of the classes or divisions over which the musical leaders presided; and, in order to secure an impartial arrangement of their order, the master and his assistants, the teacher and his scholars, in each class or company took part in this solemn casting of lots. In the first catalogue given in this chapter the courses are classed according to their employment as musicians. In the second, they are arranged in the order of their service.
31 These likewise cast [05307] lots [01486] over against [05980] their brethren [0251] the sons [01121] of Aaron [0175] in the presence [06440] of David [01732] the king [04428], and Zadok [06659], and Ahimelech [0288], and the chief [07218] of the fathers [01] of the priests [03548] and Levites [03881], even the principal [07218] fathers [01] over against [05980] their younger [06996] brethren [0251].
7 So the number [04557] of them, with their brethren [0251] that were instructed [03925] in the songs [07892] of the LORD [03068], even all that were cunning [0995], was two hundred [03967] fourscore [08084] and eight [08083].
15 As he came forth [03318] of his mother's [0517] womb [0990], naked [06174] shall he return [07725] to go [03212] as he came [0935], and shall take [05375] nothing [03972] of his labour [05999], which he may carry away [03212] in his hand [03027].
5 For I have not dwelt in [03427] an house [01004] since the day [03117] that I brought up [05927] Israel [03478] unto this day [03117]; but have gone from tent [0168] to tent [0168], and from one tabernacle [04908] to another.
24 And the chief [07218] of the Levites [03881]: Hashabiah [02811], Sherebiah [08274], and Jeshua [03442] the son [01121] of Kadmiel [06934], with their brethren [0251] over against them, to praise [01984] and to give thanks [03034], according to the commandment [04687] of David [01732] the man [0376] of God [0430], ward [04929] over against [05980] ward [04929].
16 To Shuppim [08206] and Hosah [02621] the lot came forth westward [04628], with the gate [08179] Shallecheth [07996], by the causeway [04546] of the going up [05927], ward [04929] against [05980] ward [04929].
28 Because their office [04612] was to wait [03027] on the sons [01121] of Aaron [0175] for the service [05656] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], in the courts [02691], and in the chambers [03957], and in the purifying [02893] of all holy things [06944], and the work [04639] of the service [05656] of the house [01004] of God [0430];