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Selected Verse: 1 Chronicles 17:17 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Ch 17:17 Strong Concordance And yet this was a small thing [06994] in thine eyes [05869], O God [0430]; for thou hast also spoken [01696] of thy servant's [05650] house [01004] for a great while to come [07350], and hast regarded [07200] me according to the estate [08448] of a man [0120] of high degree [04609], O LORD [03068] God [0430].
  King James And yet this was a small thing in thine eyes, O God; for thou hast also spoken of thy servant's house for a great while to come, and hast regarded me according to the estate of a man of high degree, O LORD God.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
Hast regarded me ... - i. e., "Thou hast elevated me above other men, by making my kingdom perpetual, regarding me as if I were a man of high degree." Compare the Sa2 7:19 note.
19 And this was yet a small thing [06994] in thy sight [05869], O Lord [0136] GOD [03069]; but thou hast spoken [01696] also of thy servant's [05650] house [01004] for a great while to come [07350]. And is this the manner [08452] of man [0120], O Lord [0136] GOD [03069]?
21 For thy word's [01697] sake, and according to thine own heart [03820], hast thou done [06213] all these great things [01420], to make thy servant [05650] know [03045] them.
19 O LORD [03068], for thy servant's [05650] sake, and according to thine own heart [03820], hast thou done [06213] all this greatness [01420], in making known [03045] all these great things [01420].
19 O LORD [03068], for thy servant's [05650] sake, and according to thine own heart [03820], hast thou done [06213] all this greatness [01420], in making known [03045] all these great things [01420].
20 And what can [03254] David [01732] say [01696] more [03254] unto thee? for thou, Lord [0136] GOD [03069], knowest [03045] thy servant [05650].
18 What can [03254] David [01732] speak more [03254] to thee for the honour [03519] of thy servant [05650]? for thou knowest [03045] thy servant [05650].
9 For, lo, thine enemies [0341], O LORD [03068], for, lo, thine enemies [0341] shall perish [06]; all the workers [06466] of iniquity [0205] shall be scattered [06504].
5 And the Spirit [07307] of the LORD [03068] fell [05307] upon me, and said [0559] unto me, Speak [0559]; Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; Thus have ye said [0559], O house [01004] of Israel [03478]: for I know [03045] the things that come [04609] into your mind [07307], every one of them.
9 For upon the first [0259] day of the first [07223] month [02320] began [03246] he to go up [04609] from Babylon [0894], and on the first [0259] day of the fifth [02549] month [02320] came [0935] he to Jerusalem [03389], according to the good [02896] hand [03027] of his God [0430] upon him.
29 And king [04428] Joram [03141] went back [07725] to be healed [07495] in Jezreel [03157] of the wounds [04347] which the Syrians [0761] had given [05221] him at Ramah [07414], when he fought [03898] against Hazael [02371] king [04428] of Syria [0758]. And Ahaziah [0274] the son [01121] of Jehoram [03088] king [04428] of Judah [03063] went down [03381] to see [07200] Joram [03141] the son [01121] of Ahab [0256] in Jezreel [03157], because he was sick [02470].
5 And Jonadab [03082] said [0559] unto him, Lay thee down [07901] on thy bed [04904], and make thyself sick [02470]: and when thy father [01] cometh [0935] to see [07200] thee, say [0559] unto him, I pray thee, let my sister [0269] Tamar [08559] come [0935], and give [01262] me meat [03899], and dress [06213] the meat [01279] in my sight [05869], that I may see [07200] it, and eat [0398] it at her hand [03027].
19 And this was yet a small thing [06994] in thy sight [05869], O Lord [0136] GOD [03069]; but thou hast spoken [01696] also of thy servant's [05650] house [01004] for a great while to come [07350]. And is this the manner [08452] of man [0120], O Lord [0136] GOD [03069]?