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Selected Verse: 2 Kings 8:22 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
2Ki 8:22 Strong Concordance Yet Edom [0123] revolted [06586] from under the hand [03027] of Judah [03063] unto this day [03117]. Then Libnah [03841] revolted [06586] at the same [01931] time [06256].
  King James Yet Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah unto this day. Then Libnah revolted at the same time.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
Libnah revolted - Libnah being toward the southwest of Palestine Jos 15:42, its revolt cannot well have had any direct connection with that of Edom. It had been the capital of a small Canaanite state under a separate king before its conquest by Joshua Jos 10:30; Jos 12:15, and may perhaps always have retained a considerable Canaanite population. Or its loss may have been connected with the attacks made by the Philistines on Jehoram's territories Ch2 21:16-17.
16 Moreover the LORD [03068] stirred up [05782] against Jehoram [03088] the spirit [07307] of the Philistines [06430], and of the Arabians [06163], that were near [05921] [03027] the Ethiopians [03569]:
17 And they came up [05927] into Judah [03063], and brake [01234] into it, and carried away [07617] all the substance [07399] that was found [04672] in the king's [04428] house [01004], and his sons [01121] also, and his wives [0802]; so that there was never a son [01121] left [07604] him, save Jehoahaz [03059], the youngest [06996] of his sons [01121].
15 The king [04428] of Libnah [03841], one [0259]; the king [04428] of Adullam [05725], one [0259];
30 And the LORD [03068] delivered [05414] it also, and the king [04428] thereof, into the hand [03027] of Israel [03478]; and he smote [05221] it with the edge [06310] of the sword [02719], and all the souls [05315] that were therein; he let [07604] none remain [08300] in it; but did [06213] unto the king [04428] thereof as he did [06213] unto the king [04428] of Jericho [03405].
42 Libnah [03841], and Ether [06281], and Ashan [06228],