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Selected Verse: 2 Kings 19:30 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
2Ki 19:30 Strong Concordance And the remnant [07604] that is escaped [06413] of the house [01004] of Judah [03063] shall yet again [03254] take root [08328] downward [04295], and bear [06213] fruit [06529] upward [04605].
  King James And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
The remnant that is escaped - Terrible ravages seem to have been committed in the first attack (Kg2 18:13 note). And though the second invasion was comparatively harmless, yet it probably fell heavily on the cities of the west and the southwest. Thus the "escaped" were but "a remnant."

Bear fruit upward - The flourishing time of Josiah is the special fulfillment of this prophecy Kg2 23:15-20.
15 Moreover the altar [04196] that was at Bethel [01008], and the high place [01116] which Jeroboam [03379] the son [01121] of Nebat [05028], who made Israel [03478] to sin [02398], had made [06213], both that altar [04196] and the high place [01116] he brake down [05422], and burned [08313] the high place [01116], and stamped [01854] it small to powder [06083], and burned [08313] the grove [0842].
16 And as Josiah [02977] turned [06437] himself, he spied [07200] the sepulchres [06913] that were there in the mount [02022], and sent [07971], and took [03947] the bones [06106] out of the sepulchres [06913], and burned [08313] them upon the altar [04196], and polluted [02930] it, according to the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] which the man [0376] of God [0430] proclaimed [07121], who proclaimed [07121] these words [01697].
17 Then he said [0559], What title [06725] is that [01975] that I see [07200]? And the men [0582] of the city [05892] told [0559] him, It is the sepulchre [06913] of the man [0376] of God [0430], which came [0935] from Judah [03063], and proclaimed [07121] these things [01697] that thou hast done [06213] against the altar [04196] of Bethel [01008].
18 And he said [0559], Let him alone [03240]; let no man [0376] move [05128] his bones [06106]. So they let his bones [06106] alone [04422], with the bones [06106] of the prophet [05030] that came out [0935] of Samaria [08111].
19 And all the houses [01004] also of the high places [01116] that were in the cities [05892] of Samaria [08111], which the kings [04428] of Israel [03478] had made [06213] to provoke the LORD to anger [03707], Josiah [02977] took away [05493], and did [06213] to them according to all the acts [04639] that he had done [06213] in Bethel [01008].
20 And he slew [02076] all the priests [03548] of the high places [01116] that were there upon the altars [04196], and burned [08313] men's [0120] bones [06106] upon them, and returned [07725] to Jerusalem [03389].
13 Now in the fourteenth [0702] [06240] year [08141] of king [04428] Hezekiah [02396] did Sennacherib [05576] king [04428] of Assyria [0804] come up [05927] against all the fenced [01219] cities [05892] of Judah [03063], and took [08610] them.