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Selected Verse: 1 Kings 4:12 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Ki 4:12 Strong Concordance Baana [01195] the son [01121] of Ahilud [0286]; to him pertained Taanach [08590] and Megiddo [04023], and all Bethshean [01052], which is by [0681] Zartanah [06891] beneath Jezreel [03157], from Bethshean [01052] to Abelmeholah [065], even unto the place that is beyond [05676] Jokneam [03361]:
  King James Baana the son of Ahilud; to him pertained Taanach and Megiddo, and all Bethshean, which is by Zartanah beneath Jezreel, from Bethshean to Abelmeholah, even unto the place that is beyond Jokneam:

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
On these cities see Jos 12:21; Jos 3:16; Jdg 7:22; Jos 21:22.
22 And Kibzaim [06911] with her suburbs [04054], and Bethhoron [01032] with her suburbs [04054]; four [0702] cities [05892].
22 And the three [07969] hundred [03967] blew [08628] the trumpets [07782], and the LORD [03068] set [07760] every man's [0376] sword [02719] against his fellow [07453], even throughout all the host [04264]: and the host [04264] fled [05127] to Bethshittah [01029] in Zererath [06888], and to the border [08193] of Abelmeholah [065], unto Tabbath [02888].
16 That the waters [04325] which came down [03381] from above [04605] stood [05975] and rose up [06965] upon an [0259] heap [05067] very [03966] far [07368] from the city [05892] Adam [0121], that is beside [06654] Zaretan [06891]: and those that came down [03381] toward the sea [03220] of the plain [06160], even the salt [04417] sea [03220], failed [08552], and were cut off [03772]: and the people [05971] passed over [05674] right against Jericho [03405].
21 The king [04428] of Taanach [08590], one [0259]; the king [04428] of Megiddo [04023], one [0259];