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Selected Verse: 1 Kings 12:5 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Ki 12:5 Strong Concordance And he said [0559] unto them, Depart [03212] yet for three [07969] days [03117], then come again [07725] to me. And the people [05971] departed [03212].
  King James And he said unto them, Depart yet for three days, then come again to me. And the people departed.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
he said . . . Depart yet for three days--It was prudent to take the people's demand into calm and deliberate consideration. Whether, had the advice of the sage and experienced counsellors been followed, any good result would have followed, it is impossible to say. It would at least have removed all pretext for the separation. [See on Ch2 10:7.] But he preferred the counsel of his young companions (not in age, for they were all about forty-one, but inexperienced), who recommended prompt and decisive measures to quell the malcontents.
7 And they spake [01696] unto him, saying [0559], If thou be kind [02896] to this people [05971], and please [07521] them, and speak [01696] good [02896] words [01697] to them, they will be thy servants [05650] for ever [03117].