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Selected Verse: 2 Samuel 6:11 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
2Sa 6:11 Strong Concordance And the ark [0727] of the LORD [03068] continued [03427] in the house [01004] of Obededom [05654] the Gittite [01663] three [07969] months [02320]: and the LORD [03068] blessed [01288] Obededom [05654], and all his household [01004].
  King James And the ark of the LORD continued in the house of Obededom the Gittite three months: and the LORD blessed Obededom, and all his household.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Obed-edom the Gittite--a Levite (Ch1 15:18, Ch1 15:21, Ch1 15:24; Ch1 16:5; Ch1 26:4). He is called a Gittite, either from his residence at Gath, or more probably from Gath-rimmon, one of the Levitical cities (Jos 21:24-25).
24 Aijalon [0357] with her suburbs [04054], Gathrimmon [01667] with her suburbs [04054]; four [0702] cities [05892].
25 And out of the half [04276] tribe [04294] of Manasseh [04519], Tanach [08590] with her suburbs [04054], and Gathrimmon [01667] with her suburbs [04054]; two [08147] cities [05892].
4 Moreover the sons [01121] of Obededom [05654] were, Shemaiah [08098] the firstborn [01060], Jehozabad [03075] the second [08145], Joah [03098] the third [07992], and Sacar [07940] the fourth [07243], and Nethaneel [05417] the fifth [02549],
5 Asaph [0623] the chief [07218], and next [04932] to him Zechariah [02148], Jeiel [03273], and Shemiramoth [08070], and Jehiel [03171], and Mattithiah [04993], and Eliab [0446], and Benaiah [01141], and Obededom [05654]: and Jeiel [03273] with psalteries [05035] [03627] and with harps [03658]; but Asaph [0623] made a sound [08085] with cymbals [04700];
24 And Shebaniah [07645], and Jehoshaphat [03146], and Nethaneel [05417], and Amasai [06022], and Zechariah [02148], and Benaiah [01141], and Eliezer [0461], the priests [03548], did blow [02690] [02690] with the trumpets [02689] before [06440] the ark [0727] of God [0430]: and Obededom [05654] and Jehiah [03174] were doorkeepers [07778] for the ark [0727].
21 And Mattithiah [04993], and Elipheleh [0466], and Mikneiah [04737], and Obededom [05654], and Jeiel [03273], and Azaziah [05812], with harps [03658] on the Sheminith [08067] to excel [05329].
18 And with them their brethren [0251] of the second [04932] degree, Zechariah [02148], Ben [01122], and Jaaziel [03268], and Shemiramoth [08070], and Jehiel [03171], and Unni [06042], Eliab [0446], and Benaiah [01141], and Maaseiah [04641], and Mattithiah [04993], and Elipheleh [0466], and Mikneiah [04737], and Obededom [05654], and Jeiel [03273], the porters [07778].
43 Also that day [03117] they offered [02076] great [01419] sacrifices [02077], and rejoiced [08055]: for God [0430] had made them rejoice [08055] with great [01419] joy [08057]: the wives [0802] also and the children [03206] rejoiced [08055]: so that the joy [08057] of Jerusalem [03389] was heard [08085] even afar off [07350].
27 Wherefore didst thou flee away [01272] secretly [02244], and steal away [01589] from me; and didst not tell [05046] me, that I might have sent thee away [07971] with mirth [08057], and with songs [07892], with tabret [08596], and with harp [03658]?
12 And it was told [05046] king [04428] David [01732], saying [0559], The LORD [03068] hath blessed [01288] the house [01004] of Obededom [05654], and all that pertaineth unto him, because of the ark [0727] of God [0430]. So David [01732] went [03212] and brought up [05927] the ark [0727] of God [0430] from the house [01004] of Obededom [05654] into the city [05892] of David [01732] with gladness [08057].
11 And the ark [0727] of the LORD [03068] continued [03427] in the house [01004] of Obededom [05654] the Gittite [01663] three [07969] months [02320]: and the LORD [03068] blessed [01288] Obededom [05654], and all his household [01004].