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Selected Verse: 2 Samuel 6:10 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
2Sa 6:10 Strong Concordance So David [01732] would [014] not remove [05493] the ark [0727] of the LORD [03068] unto him into the city [05892] of David [01732]: but David [01732] carried it aside [05186] into the house [01004] of Obededom [05654] the Gittite [01663].
  King James So David would not remove the ark of the LORD unto him into the city of David: but David carried it aside into the house of Obededom the Gittite.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
Obed-edom was a Levite of the family of Merari, being Ch1 15:18-24; Ch1 16:38 a son of Jeduthun, who was a Merarite. He was a porter, a player on the harp, and was one of the Levites especially designated to take part in the musical services on the occasion of bringing up the ark to Zion, and to minister before it when brought up. He is called a Gittite perhaps from Gath-Rimmon, in Manasseh, which belonged to the Kohathites Jos 21:25. Marriage with a Kohathite, or some other cause, would account for his dwelling in a Kohathite city.
25 And out of the half [04276] tribe [04294] of Manasseh [04519], Tanach [08590] with her suburbs [04054], and Gathrimmon [01667] with her suburbs [04054]; two [08147] cities [05892].
38 And Obededom [05654] with their brethren [0251], threescore [08346] and eight [08083]; Obededom [05654] also the son [01121] of Jeduthun [03038] and Hosah [02621] to be porters [07778]:
18 And with them their brethren [0251] of the second [04932] degree, Zechariah [02148], Ben [01122], and Jaaziel [03268], and Shemiramoth [08070], and Jehiel [03171], and Unni [06042], Eliab [0446], and Benaiah [01141], and Maaseiah [04641], and Mattithiah [04993], and Elipheleh [0466], and Mikneiah [04737], and Obededom [05654], and Jeiel [03273], the porters [07778].
19 So the singers [07891], Heman [01968], Asaph [0623], and Ethan [0387], were appointed to sound [08085] with cymbals [04700] of brass [05178];
20 And Zechariah [02148], and Aziel [05815], and Shemiramoth [08070], and Jehiel [03171], and Unni [06042], and Eliab [0446], and Maaseiah [04641], and Benaiah [01141], with psalteries [05035] on Alamoth [05961];
21 And Mattithiah [04993], and Elipheleh [0466], and Mikneiah [04737], and Obededom [05654], and Jeiel [03273], and Azaziah [05812], with harps [03658] on the Sheminith [08067] to excel [05329].
22 And Chenaniah [03663], chief [08269] of the Levites [03881], was for song [04853]: he instructed [03256] about the song [04853], because he was skilful [0995].
23 And Berechiah [01296] and Elkanah [0511] were doorkeepers [07778] for the ark [0727].
24 And Shebaniah [07645], and Jehoshaphat [03146], and Nethaneel [05417], and Amasai [06022], and Zechariah [02148], and Benaiah [01141], and Eliezer [0461], the priests [03548], did blow [02690] [02690] with the trumpets [02689] before [06440] the ark [0727] of God [0430]: and Obededom [05654] and Jehiah [03174] were doorkeepers [07778] for the ark [0727].