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Selected Verse: 2 Samuel 20:26 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
2Sa 20:26 Strong Concordance And Ira [05896] also the Jairite [02972] was a chief ruler [03548] about David [01732].
  King James And Ira also the Jairite was a chief ruler about David.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
Ira the Jairite - Not mentioned before: perhaps the same as "Ira an Ithrite" (marginal reference), i. e., an inhabitant of Jattir in the hill country of Judah Jos 15:48; Sa1 30:27. Perhaps we ought to read "Ithrite," for "Jairite."

A chief ruler ... about David - More simply and clearly, "was David's kohen" (Sa2 8:18 note). In the early part oph David's reign his own ons were כהן kôhên (chief rulers). The deaths of Amnon and Absalom, and the dissensions in the family, had probably caused the change of policy in this respect.
18 And Benaiah [01141] the son [01121] of Jehoiada [03077] was over both the Cherethites [03774] and the Pelethites [06432]; and David's [01732] sons [01121] were chief rulers [03548].
27 To them [0834] which were in Bethel [01008], and to them which were in south [05045] Ramoth [07418], and to them which were in Jattir [03492],
48 And in the mountains [02022], Shamir [08069], and Jattir [03492], and Socoh [07755],
16 And Joab [03097] the son [01121] of Zeruiah [06870] was over the host [06635]; and Jehoshaphat [03092] the son [01121] of Ahilud [0286] was recorder [02142];
17 And Zadok [06659] the son [01121] of Ahitub [0285], and Ahimelech [0288] the son [01121] of Abiathar [054], were the priests [03548]; and Seraiah [08304] was the scribe [05608];
18 And Benaiah [01141] the son [01121] of Jehoiada [03077] was over both the Cherethites [03774] and the Pelethites [06432]; and David's [01732] sons [01121] were chief rulers [03548].
16 So all the service [05656] of the LORD [03068] was prepared [03559] the same day [03117], to keep [06213] the passover [06453], and to offer [05927] burnt offerings [05930] upon the altar [04196] of the LORD [03068], according to the commandment [04687] of king [04428] Josiah [02977].
11 For when David [01732] was up [06965] in the morning [01242], the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto the prophet [05030] Gad [01410], David's [01732] seer [02374], saying [0559],