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Selected Verse: 2 Samuel 12:26 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
2Sa 12:26 Strong Concordance And Joab [03097] fought [03898] against Rabbah [07237] of the children [01121] of Ammon [05983], and took [03920] the royal [04410] city [05892].
  King James And Joab fought against Rabbah of the children of Ammon, and took the royal city.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
RABBAH IS TAKEN. (Sa2 12:26-31)

Joab fought against Rabbah--The time during which this siege lasted, since the intercourse with Bath-sheba, and the birth of at least one child, if not two, occurred during the progress of it, probably extended over two years.
26 And Joab [03097] fought [03898] against Rabbah [07237] of the children [01121] of Ammon [05983], and took [03920] the royal [04410] city [05892].
27 And Joab [03097] sent [07971] messengers [04397] to David [01732], and said [0559], I have fought [03898] against Rabbah [07237], and have taken [03920] the city [05892] of waters [04325].
28 Now therefore gather [0622] the rest [03499] of the people [05971] together [0622], and encamp [02583] against the city [05892], and take [03920] it: lest I take [03920] the city [05892], and it be called [07121] after my name [08034].
29 And David [01732] gathered [0622] all the people [05971] together [0622], and went [03212] to Rabbah [07237], and fought [03898] against it, and took [03920] it.
30 And he took [03947] their king's [04428] crown [05850] from off his head [07218], the weight [04948] whereof was a talent [03603] of gold [02091] with the precious [03368] stones [068]: and it was set on David's [01732] head [07218]. And he brought forth [03318] the spoil [07998] of the city [05892] in great [03966] abundance [07235].
31 And he brought forth [03318] the people [05971] that were therein, and put [07760] them under saws [04050], and under harrows [02757] of iron [01270], and under axes [04037] of iron [01270], and made them pass [05674] through the brickkiln [04404]: and thus did [06213] he unto all the cities [05892] of the children [01121] of Ammon [05983]. So David [01732] and all the people [05971] returned [07725] unto Jerusalem [03389].
27 And Joab [03097] sent [07971] messengers [04397] to David [01732], and said [0559], I have fought [03898] against Rabbah [07237], and have taken [03920] the city [05892] of waters [04325].
1 And it came to pass, that after [06256] the year [08141] was expired [08666], at the time [06256] that kings [04428] go out [03318] to battle, Joab [03097] led forth [05090] the power [02428] of the army [06635], and wasted [07843] the country [0776] of the children [01121] of Ammon [05983], and came [0935] and besieged [06696] Rabbah [07237]. But David [01732] tarried [03427] at Jerusalem [03389]. And Joab [03097] smote [05221] Rabbah [07237], and destroyed [02040] it.
2 And David [01732] took [03947] the crown [05850] of their king [04428] from off his head [07218], and found [04672] it to weigh [04948] a talent [03603] of gold [02091], and there were precious [03368] stones [068] in it; and it was set upon David's [01732] head [07218]: and he brought [03318] also exceeding [03966] much [07235] spoil [07998] out of the city [05892].
3 And he brought out [03318] the people [05971] that were in it, and cut [07787] them with saws [04050], and with harrows [02757] of iron [01270], and with axes [04050]. Even so dealt [06213] David [01732] with all the cities [05892] of the children [01121] of Ammon [05983]. And David [01732] and all the people [05971] returned [07725] to Jerusalem [03389].