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Selected Verse: Genesis 8:15 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ge 8:15 Strong Concordance And God [0430] spake [01696] unto Noah [05146], saying [0559],
  King James And God spake unto Noah, saying,

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]

And God spake . . . Go forth--They went forth in the most orderly manner--the human occupants first, then each species "after their kinds" [Gen 8:19], literally, "according to their families," implying that there had been an increase in the ark.
19 Every beast [02416], every creeping thing [07431], and every fowl [05775], and whatsoever [03605] creepeth [07430] upon the earth [0776], after their kinds [04940], went forth [03318] out of the ark [08392].
15 And God [0430] spake [01696] unto Noah [05146], saying [0559],
16 Go forth [03318] of the ark [08392], thou, and thy wife [0802], and thy sons [01121], and thy sons [01121]' wives [0802] with thee.
17 Bring forth [03318] with thee every living thing [02416] that is with thee, of all flesh [01320], both of fowl [05775], and of cattle [0929], and of every creeping thing [07431] that creepeth [07430] upon the earth [0776]; that they may breed abundantly [08317] in the earth [0776], and be fruitful [06509], and multiply [07235] upon the earth [0776].
18 And Noah [05146] went forth [03318], and his sons [01121], and his wife [0802], and his sons [01121]' wives [0802] with him:
19 Every beast [02416], every creeping thing [07431], and every fowl [05775], and whatsoever [03605] creepeth [07430] upon the earth [0776], after their kinds [04940], went forth [03318] out of the ark [08392].
20 And Noah [05146] builded [01129] an altar [04196] unto the LORD [03068]; and took [03947] of every clean [02889] beast [0929], and of every clean [02889] fowl [05775], and offered [05927] burnt offerings [05930] on the altar [04196].
21 And the LORD [03068] smelled [07306] a sweet [05207] savour [07381]; and the LORD [03068] said [0559] in [0413] his heart [03820], I will not again [03254] curse [07043] the ground [0127] any more for man's [0120] sake [05668]; for the imagination [03336] of man's [0120] heart [03820] is evil [07451] from his youth [05271]; neither will I again [03254] smite [05221] any more every thing living [02416], as I have done [06213].
22 While the earth [0776] remaineth [03117], seedtime [02233] and harvest [07105], and cold [07120] and heat [02527], and summer [07019] and winter [02779], and day [03117] and night [03915] shall not cease [07673].
22 While the earth [0776] remaineth [03117], seedtime [02233] and harvest [07105], and cold [07120] and heat [02527], and summer [07019] and winter [02779], and day [03117] and night [03915] shall not cease [07673].
17 And unto Adam [0121] he said [0559], Because thou hast hearkened [08085] unto the voice [06963] of thy wife [0802], and hast eaten [0398] of the tree [06086], of which [0834] I commanded thee [06680], saying [0559], Thou shalt not eat [0398] of it: cursed [0779] is the ground [0127] for thy sake; in sorrow [06093] shalt thou eat [0398] of it all [03605] the days [03117] of thy life [02416];
21 And the LORD [03068] smelled [07306] a sweet [05207] savour [07381]; and the LORD [03068] said [0559] in [0413] his heart [03820], I will not again [03254] curse [07043] the ground [0127] any more for man's [0120] sake [05668]; for the imagination [03336] of man's [0120] heart [03820] is evil [07451] from his youth [05271]; neither will I again [03254] smite [05221] any more every thing living [02416], as I have done [06213].
3 Of fowls [05775] also of the air [08064] by sevens [07651] [07651], the male [02145] and the female [05347]; to keep [02421] seed [02233] alive [02421] upon the face [06440] of all the earth [0776].
20 And Noah [05146] builded [01129] an altar [04196] unto the LORD [03068]; and took [03947] of every clean [02889] beast [0929], and of every clean [02889] fowl [05775], and offered [05927] burnt offerings [05930] on the altar [04196].
21 And the LORD [03068] smelled [07306] a sweet [05207] savour [07381]; and the LORD [03068] said [0559] in [0413] his heart [03820], I will not again [03254] curse [07043] the ground [0127] any more for man's [0120] sake [05668]; for the imagination [03336] of man's [0120] heart [03820] is evil [07451] from his youth [05271]; neither will I again [03254] smite [05221] any more every thing living [02416], as I have done [06213].
22 While the earth [0776] remaineth [03117], seedtime [02233] and harvest [07105], and cold [07120] and heat [02527], and summer [07019] and winter [02779], and day [03117] and night [03915] shall not cease [07673].
15 And God [0430] spake [01696] unto Noah [05146], saying [0559],
16 Go forth [03318] of the ark [08392], thou, and thy wife [0802], and thy sons [01121], and thy sons [01121]' wives [0802] with thee.
17 Bring forth [03318] with thee every living thing [02416] that is with thee, of all flesh [01320], both of fowl [05775], and of cattle [0929], and of every creeping thing [07431] that creepeth [07430] upon the earth [0776]; that they may breed abundantly [08317] in the earth [0776], and be fruitful [06509], and multiply [07235] upon the earth [0776].
18 And Noah [05146] went forth [03318], and his sons [01121], and his wife [0802], and his sons [01121]' wives [0802] with him:
19 Every beast [02416], every creeping thing [07431], and every fowl [05775], and whatsoever [03605] creepeth [07430] upon the earth [0776], after their kinds [04940], went forth [03318] out of the ark [08392].