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Selected Verse: Genesis 33:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ge 33:4 Strong Concordance And Esau [06215] ran [07323] to meet him [07125], and embraced [02263] him, and fell [05307] on his neck [06677], and kissed him [05401]: and they wept [01058].
  King James And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Esau ran to meet him--What a sudden and surprising change! Whether the sight of the princely present and the profound homage of Jacob had produced this effect, or it proceeded from the impulsive character of Esau, the cherished enmity of twenty years in a moment disappeared; the weapons of war were laid aside, and the warmest tokens of mutual affection reciprocated between the brothers. But doubtless, the efficient cause was the secret, subduing influence of grace (Pro 21:1), which converted Esau from an enemy into a friend.
1 The king's [04428] heart [03820] is in the hand [03027] of the LORD [03068], as the rivers [06388] of water [04325]: he turneth [05186] it whithersoever he will [02654].
21 But [1161] all [3956] that heard [191] him were amazed [1839], and [2532] said [3004]; Is [2076] not [3756] this [3778] he that destroyed [4199] them which [3588] called on [1941] this [5124] name [3686] in [1722] Jerusalem [2419], and [2532] came [2064] hither [5602] for [1519] that [5124] intent [1519], that [2443] he might bring [71] them [846] bound [1210] unto [1909] the chief priests [749]?
25 Then Saul [07586] said [0559] to David [01732], Blessed [01288] be thou, my son [01121] David [01732]: thou shalt both do [06213] great [06213] things, and also shalt still [03201] prevail [03201]. So David [01732] went [03212] on his way [01870], and Saul [07586] returned [07725] to his place [04725].
21 Then said [0559] Saul [07586], I have sinned [02398]: return [07725], my son [01121] David [01732]: for I will no more do thee harm [07489], because my soul [05315] was precious [03365] in thine eyes [05869] this day [03117]: behold, I have played the fool [05528], and have erred [07686] exceedingly [07235] [03966].