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Selected Verse: Genesis 1:14 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ge 1:14 Strong Concordance And God [0430] said [0559], Let there be lights [03974] in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to divide [0914] the day [03117] from the night [03915]; and let them be for signs [0226], and for seasons [04150], and for days [03117], and years [08141]:
  King James And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
FOURTH DAY. (Gen 1:14-19)

let there be lights in the firmament--The atmosphere being completely purified, the sun, moon, and stars were for the first time unveiled in all their glory in the cloudless sky; and they are described as "in the firmament" which to the eye they appear to be, though we know they are really at vast distances from it.
14 And God [0430] said [0559], Let there be lights [03974] in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to divide [0914] the day [03117] from the night [03915]; and let them be for signs [0226], and for seasons [04150], and for days [03117], and years [08141]:
15 And let them be for lights [03974] in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to give light [0215] upon the earth [0776]: and it was so.
16 And God [0430] made [06213] two [08147] great [01419] lights [03974]; the greater [01419] light [03974] to rule [04475] the day [03117], and the lesser [06996] light [03974] to rule [04475] the night [03915]: he made the stars [03556] also.
17 And God [0430] set [05414] them in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to give light [0215] upon the earth [0776],
18 And to rule [04910] over the day [03117] and over the night [03915], and to divide [0914] the light [0216] from the darkness [02822]: and God [0430] saw [07200] that it was good [02896].
19 And the evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were the fourth [07243] day [03117].
18 And to rule [04910] over the day [03117] and over the night [03915], and to divide [0914] the light [0216] from the darkness [02822]: and God [0430] saw [07200] that it was good [02896].
17 And God [0430] set [05414] them in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to give light [0215] upon the earth [0776],
5 And he brought him forth [03318] abroad [02351], and said [0559], Look [05027] now toward heaven [08064], and tell [05608] the stars [03556], if thou be able [03201] to number [05608] them: and he said [0559] unto him, So [03541] shall thy seed [02233] be.
16 And God [0430] made [06213] two [08147] great [01419] lights [03974]; the greater [01419] light [03974] to rule [04475] the day [03117], and the lesser [06996] light [03974] to rule [04475] the night [03915]: he made the stars [03556] also.
16 And God [0430] made [06213] two [08147] great [01419] lights [03974]; the greater [01419] light [03974] to rule [04475] the day [03117], and the lesser [06996] light [03974] to rule [04475] the night [03915]: he made the stars [03556] also.
17 And God [0430] set [05414] them in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to give light [0215] upon the earth [0776],
18 And to rule [04910] over the day [03117] and over the night [03915], and to divide [0914] the light [0216] from the darkness [02822]: and God [0430] saw [07200] that it was good [02896].
19 And the evening [06153] and the morning [01242] were the fourth [07243] day [03117].
15 And let them be for lights [03974] in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to give light [0215] upon the earth [0776]: and it was so.
15 And let them be for lights [03974] in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to give light [0215] upon the earth [0776]: and it was so.
14 And God [0430] said [0559], Let there be lights [03974] in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to divide [0914] the day [03117] from the night [03915]; and let them be for signs [0226], and for seasons [04150], and for days [03117], and years [08141]:
1 In the beginning [07225] God [0430] created [01254] [0853] the heaven [08064] and [0853] the earth [0776].
2 Male [02145] and female [05347] created [01254] he them; and blessed [01288] them, and called [07121] their name [08034] Adam [0120], in the day [03117] when they were created [01254].
7 Yea, the stork [02624] in the heaven [08064] knoweth [03045] her appointed times [04150]; and the turtle [08449] and the crane [05483] and the swallow [05693] observe [08104] the time [06256] of their coming [0935]; but my people [05971] know [03045] not the judgment [04941] of the LORD [03068].
29 Immediately [1161] [2112] after [3326] the tribulation [2347] of those [1565] days [2250] shall the sun [2246] be darkened [4654], and [2532] the moon [4582] shall [1325] not [3756] give [1325] her [846] light [5338], and [2532] the stars [792] shall fall [4098] from [575] heaven [3772], and [2532] the powers [1411] of the heavens [3772] shall be shaken [4531]:
2 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], Learn [03925] not the way [01870] of the heathen [01471], and be not dismayed [02865] at the signs [0226] of heaven [08064]; for the heathen [01471] are dismayed [02865] at them [01992].
30 And I will shew [05414] wonders [04159] in the heavens [08064] and in the earth [0776], blood [01818], and fire [0784], and pillars [08490] of smoke [06227].
25 And [2532] there shall be [2071] signs [4592] in [1722] the sun [2246], and [2532] in the moon [4582], and [2532] in the stars [798]; and [2532] upon [1909] the earth [1093] distress [4928] of nations [1484], with [1722] perplexity [640]; the sea [2281] and [2532] the waves [4535] roaring [2278];
2 Saying [3004], Where [4226] is [2076] he that is born [5088] King [935] of the Jews [2453]? for [1063] we have seen [1492] his [846] star [792] in [1722] the east [395], and [2532] are come [2064] to worship [4352] him [846].
18 And to rule [04910] over the day [03117] and over the night [03915], and to divide [0914] the light [0216] from the darkness [02822]: and God [0430] saw [07200] that it was good [02896].
29 And all the days [03117] of Noah [05146] were nine [08672] hundred [03967] [08141] and fifty [02572] years [08141]: and he died [04191].
23 And all the days [03117] of Enoch [02585] were three [07969] hundred [03967] [08141] sixty [08346] and five [02568] years [08141]:
14 And God [0430] said [0559], Let there be lights [03974] in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to divide [0914] the day [03117] from the night [03915]; and let them be for signs [0226], and for seasons [04150], and for days [03117], and years [08141]:
35 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], which giveth [05414] the sun [08121] for a light [0216] by day [03119], and the ordinances [02708] of the moon [03394] and of the stars [03556] for a light [0216] by night [03915], which divideth [07280] the sea [03220] when the waves [01530] thereof roar [01993]; The LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] is his name [08034]:
9 The moon [03394] and stars [03556] to rule [04475] by night [03915]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769].
18 And to rule [04910] over the day [03117] and over the night [03915], and to divide [0914] the light [0216] from the darkness [02822]: and God [0430] saw [07200] that it was good [02896].
16 And God [0430] made [06213] two [08147] great [01419] lights [03974]; the greater [01419] light [03974] to rule [04475] the day [03117], and the lesser [06996] light [03974] to rule [04475] the night [03915]: he made the stars [03556] also.
16 And God [0430] made [06213] two [08147] great [01419] lights [03974]; the greater [01419] light [03974] to rule [04475] the day [03117], and the lesser [06996] light [03974] to rule [04475] the night [03915]: he made the stars [03556] also.
17 And God [0430] set [05414] them in the firmament [07549] of the heaven [08064] to give light [0215] upon the earth [0776],
18 And to rule [04910] over the day [03117] and over the night [03915], and to divide [0914] the light [0216] from the darkness [02822]: and God [0430] saw [07200] that it was good [02896].
3 When I consider [07200] thy heavens [08064], the work [04639] of thy fingers [0676], the moon [03394] and the stars [03556], which thou hast ordained [03559];
4 What is man [0582], that thou art mindful [02142] of him? and the son [01121] of man [0120], that thou visitest [06485] him?
4 I [1691] must [1163] work [2038] the works [2041] of him that sent [3992] me [3165], while [2193] it is [2076] day [2250]: the night [3571] cometh [2064], when [3753] no man [3762] can [1410] work [2038].
9 Jesus [2424] answered [611], Are there [1526] not [3780] twelve [1427] hours [5610] in the day [2250]? If [1437] any man [5100] walk [4043] in [1722] the day [2250], he stumbleth [4350] not [3756], because [3754] he seeth [991] the light [5457] of this [5127] world [2889].
3 And God [0430] said [0559], Let there be [01961] light [0216]: and there was light [0216].